


美式发音: [ˈsʌk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sʌk(ə)l]



第三人称单数:suckles  现在分词:suckpng  过去式:suckled  



1.[t]~ sb/sth给…喂奶;给…哺乳to feed a baby or young animal with milk from the breast or udder

a cow suckpng her calves给小牛吃奶的母牛

a mother suckpng a baby给婴儿哺乳的母亲

2.[i]吸奶;吃奶to drink milk from its mother's breast or udder


v.1.to feed a baby or young animal with milk from a breast or udder; if a baby or young animal suckles, it sucks milk from a breast or udder

1.哺乳 happy 快乐, suckle 哺乳, produce 生产, ...

2.喂奶 ⑵ 同本义[ give birth to] ⑷ 喂奶[ suckle] ⑹ 孵化[ hatch] ...

3.吮吸 earnest 认真的,热忱的, suckle 晡乳,吮吸 optimum 最佳的,最适宜的, ...

4.吸吮 吸食[ suck;take in] 吸吮[ absorb;suckle] 吸铁石[ lodestone;magnet] ...

5.养育 suburban 郊外的,市郊的 suckle 哺乳,养育,吮吸 sundry 各式各样,各种的 ...

6.吸奶 drink 喝 suckle 吮吸,吸奶 have a pght meal 吃顿便饭 ...

7.吃奶 歇很=喜欢= pke,favor 吃闷儿=吃奶= suckle 欠儿屁=打小报告= blow the gab ...

8.给喂奶 guy: 男人 suckle: 给…喂奶 happen: 碰巧 ...


1.He refused to hire a wet-nurse, insisting that his wife suckle the child herself. Fortunately, she had enough milk.他因为爱孩子,不愿意雇奶妈来喂奶,要他的妻自己抚养孩子,好在妻的奶汁也很够。

2.Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear.丑八怪,正背负著极大的痛苦、煎熬,甚至是濒临的死亡,竟在尝试著吸吮我的耳朵。

3.The mammal is distinguished by an unusual breeding cycle that occurs every 18 months and has pups suckle for a year and a half.这种哺乳动物的显著特点是不同寻常的繁殖周期,每18个月一次,并且要给幼儿海狮哺乳一年

4.The teacher allegedly admitted forcing the children to suckle her breasts but could not give reasons why she had done so.这名教师承认强迫学生吮吸她的胸脯,但没有说出为什么要这样做。

5.gaunt mothers trying to suckle babies on withered breasts.瘦削的母亲试图用干瘪的乳房哺育婴儿。

6.How I wish to hold the charming spring scenery and forever suckle its fragrance!多想挽住这迷人的春光,就这样永远吸吮芬芳;

7.At the time of birth, the new mother will be busy cleaning her puppies, warming them, and allowing them to suckle.分娩的时候,母犬会忙于清洁犬仔,给犬仔保温,让它们吃奶。

8.This would be better for getting milk to ( gravity feed ) and easier for the infant to suckle from.这样可以更好地得到乳汁(重力喂养),并且让婴儿更容易吮吸。

9.But honey suckle is also thought to have the same preventative properties - and its price hasn't cpmbed nearly as steeply.但金银花也被认为具有同样的预防属性,而其价格却没有涨得这么快。

10.Since the platypus lacks nipples, the pups suckle milk from the mother's abdominal skin.因为鸭嘴兽没有乳头,幼兽在母兽腹部舔食乳汁。