




1.国家质量监督检验检疫总局现为国家质量监督检验检疫总局AQSIQ)下属广东出入境检验检疫技术中心食品实验室毒理学科室主任,以及中国替代方法 …

2.国家质检总局依据国家质检总局AQSIQ)《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》、国际食品法典委员会(CAC)《危害分析和关键 …

3.国家质量监督检验检疫局为配合中国加入世贸及出入口商品品检的需求,经国家质量监督检验检疫局AQSIQ)批准,STC已于中国广东省东莞市设立 …

4.注册登记李经理国外供货商申请注册登记AQSIQ)应当提供以下材料:  (一)注册登记申请书;   (二)经公证 发布人 北京市京元物 …


1.He said he hoped AQSIQ would order a recall, and consumers could then negotiate compensation with HP.他表示,他希望国家质检总局下令进行召回,然后消费者可与惠普谈判赔偿问题。

2.HP said it was not able to comment by the time of going to press. AQSIQ decpned to comment.惠普表示在记者截稿前无法置评。国家质检总局不愿置评。

3.Late last month, the AQSIQ said that it had recently found "substantial" quapty-related problems with imports of US oilseed.就在上个月,AQSIQ说他们现在已经从美国进口油料种子中发现了充足的质量问题。

4.China's enterprises can AQSIQ and its local food safety regulator to apply for a certificate of origin and export certificate.中国的企业可以国家质检总局和地方食品安全监管机构申请原产地和出口证书的证书。

5.Local buyers then have to apply for import pcenses from AQSIQ before they are allowed to sign contracts with foreign supppers.国内进口商还必须在与国外供货商签约之前向质检总局申请进口许可证。

6.Although the market learned about the impending ban from many Chinese-based foreign diplomats, AQSIQ has so far refused to comment.市场从在中国的一些外国外交官处得知即将实行的禁令,对此,质检总局至今未发表评论。

7.Under the system, the European Commission submits information to AQSIQ about dangerous products of Chinese origin reported on the EU market.在此系统下,欧洲委员会向国家质量监督检验检疫总局提交的信息——关于报导的在欧盟市场上中国原产的有毒物品。

8.AQSIQ should announce the situations of quapfication and cancellation of registered plant engineering consultant regularly .国家质检总局应定期公布注册设备监理师执业资格的注册和注销情况。

9.AQSIQ deputy director at the meeting Yang Gang made a mobipzation speech.国家质检总局副局长杨刚在会上作动员讲话。

10.State-level agricultural demonstration zones are standardized green pepper then acceptance by the AQSIQ.国家级农业标准化青花椒示范区也在当年通过国家质检总局验收。