


美式发音: ['ʃʊtɚʊt] 英式发音: ['ʃʊtɚʊt]






n.1.a fight to the finish with guns2.in a soccer or hockey game, a means of resolving a tie in which five players from each side take alternate penalty shots at the goal3.an argument or fight that finally settles a long-drawn-out dispute

1.枪战 shoot-off (射击比赛积分相等时所作之)延... 详细 shootout 枪战 详细 shoot-out 枪战;交火 详细 ...

2.交火 corps 特种部队 shootout 交火 coast guards 海岸警卫队 ...

3.点球决胜负 long ball 长传 shootout 点球决胜负 Goalkeeper 守门员 ...

4.起弧 ... shootoff (射击)决赛 shootout 交火、开枪决斗;起弧 be on the shoot [美]预备射击; …

5.射门 save 扑救 shootout 射门 spding tackle 铲球 ...

6.枪战疑云 ... 2004/12/13 311 积非成瘾 Addiction 2005/01/03 312 枪战疑云 Shootout 2005/01/17 313 杀警凶手 Cop Killer ...

7.枪战后 Shootout,HU und DoN Turniere 枪战后,胡锦涛和唐比赛 Glück oder doch Skill ? 但运气或技能? ...


1.There had never been a penalty shootout at the World Cup that did not involve a European side until this game.本场比赛之前,世界杯史上的历次点球大战均有欧洲球队参与。

2.A woman survived a shootout in Brazil, after the impact of a bullet was absorbed by the money she had stuffed in her bra.一名巴西女子在枪战中大难不死,因为子弹的撞击力道被她塞进自己胸罩内的钱吸收。

3."They wanted to provoke me into a fight and even a shootout and that could have resulted in my death, " he said.他说:“他们想激怒我,迫使我跟他们打架,甚至枪战等激烈对抗,以便结束我的生命。”

4.But popce attempts to raid the stronghold of the alleged drug ring boss ended up in a shootout.但是警方旨在突袭被指控的毒枭的大本营的行动以一场枪战告终。

5.It's hardly as if a penalty shootout in the World Cup were a "black swan" event that nobody could have planned for.世界杯点球大战就好像是黑天鹅事件,谁都无法预先谋划。

6.When the robbers attacked, a shootout ensued with a popce officer on the scene and a stray bullet hit Pereira.当强盗攻击时,与一名在场警察发生枪战,一颗流弹击中了佩雷拉。

7.When the robbers started their attempted hold-up, a shootout began with a nearby popce officer, and Pereira was hit by a stray bullet.当劫匪开始这次抢劫行动时,和一名在附近的警官爆发枪战,而佩瑞拉遭一枚流弹击中。

8.Although we celebrated a penalty shootout victory I have to say it was a disappointing scoreless game from start to finish.虽然我们打赢了那场点球大战,但我得说整场比赛都乏善可陈。

9.There was disappointment following Van der Sar's heroics during the shootout , but Malouda insisted no blame can be attached .我们对范德萨在点球大战中的超常表现感到失望,不过马卢达坚持没有人应该被责备。

10.Then there was a carjacking, and the chase in the middle of the night into the Boston suburb of Watertown, a shootout with popce.然后有一起劫车事件发生,而深夜追逐到了波士顿郊区的水城后与警方交火。