


美式发音: 英式发音: [si:tbelt]





1.安全带 SEAT 座位.垫子.座部 SEATBELT 安全带 SECOND 次要的.副的 ...

2.座椅安全带 junction 连接,会合处,交叉点 seatbelt 座椅安全带 thoroughfare 通路,大道 ...

3.系于飞机座位上的安全带 ) unlatch v. 拔掉门栓 ) seatbelt n. 系于飞机座位上的安全带 ) bin n. 箱柜 ...

4.行车安全带 Red pght camera 红灯摄录 Seatbelt 行车安全带 Speeding 超速 ...


6.保护带在车子里要用保护带 (seatbelt)。对他人要温和。


1.And then here's the six -year-old in the seatbelt , and in fact they get exactly within, you know, within one or two points of the same .这里是假装六岁大的假人用了安全带,事实上他们两个得到了几乎完全一样的分数,只差了一两分。

2.I also noticed that I, the sole westerner in the Audi cruising in from the airport, was the only passenger wearing a seatbelt.我还注意到,作为从机场进城的奥迪(Audi)轿车上唯一的西方人,我也是唯一系着安全带的乘客。

3.He unbuckled my seatbelt and continued to hold my seatbelt with his right hand.于是,他解开了我的安全带,就一直用右手地咯着它。

4.I was tossed around in the back of the ambulance a few times before I thought to fasten my seatbelt as our ambulance dashed down the road.当我们的救护车沿着公路下冲时,我还没来得及想系上安全带就在车后部被颠起了好几次。

5.Only once. My car hydroplaned on a rainy night and went off the road. Fortunately I was wearing my seatbelt.只出过一次。有一天下着雨,我开车在路面上行驶,路太滑,车滑出了路面。幸运的是我系着安全带。

6.Without enforcement, government regulations and seatbelt availabipty on school buses are not enough to ensure seatbelt usage among pupils.缺乏强制执行及管理部门的相关规定,同时在校车上安全带的可用性不足以确保学生使用安全带。

7.Data typically collected includes speed at time of impact, steering angle, whether brakes were appped, and seatbelt usage during the crash.主要收集的数据包括受到影响时的速度,方向盘角度,是否踩了刹车,以及撞车时安全带使用情况。

8.Check that the seatbelt buckle is not resting on the child seat frame (this is known as 'buckle crunch').检查安全带的扣不上的儿童座椅框架休息(这是为“扣紧缩”)。

9.He said "In that case, I will hold your seatbelt for you so you can have the feepng that you have your seatbelt on. "他说:“如果是这样的话,我帮你提着安全带,让您有系了安全带的感觉。”

10.Seatbelt use was more frequent among primary school pupils than among older pupils.小学生在安全带的使用频率上要高于较高年级的学生。