


美式发音: ['greɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: ['greɪzɪŋ]






1.牧场;草场land with grass that cows, sheep, etc. can eat



v.1.The present participle of graze

1.放牧 grayzems 灰色森林土 grazing 放牧 grazing capacity 载畜量 ...

2.牧草 磨碎 grind 牧草 grazing 苗木 seedpngs ...

3.牧场 Giraffe 长颈鹿 Grazing 放牧,牧场 Harmonic 和声的 ...

4.吃草 Children and Ramie 孩子与苎麻 grazing 吃草 a parcel of 一群 ...

5.牧草,草场 grazing牧草,草场。 hustle: 赶紧,奔忙(做某事)。 ...

6.掠射表乐观,孙维新解释说,因为SMART-1太空船是以掠射Grazing)的方式擦撞月球表面,撞击月球表面的速度约为每秒钟2 …

7.放牧的这些草食动物和杂食动物亦提供养分给多数的肉食动物。这部分的图解称为放牧的(grazing)食物网,因为它是从在地上的植物 …


1.I can have snacks, but no more all-day grazing at my desk.可以吃零食,但不能整天在办公桌前吃个不停。

2.The comet was a type known to astronomers as a sun-grazing comet because its path brought it extremely close to the sun.这个彗星属于天文学家所称的“掠日彗星”类型,因为它会顺着轨道极度靠近太阳。

3.As he was walking out into the clearing where she was grazing, he was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her.当他走入她吃草区的林中空地,他为她迷人的外表而迷倒,目不转睛地看着她。

4.The assailant swung and missed, then threw the hammer at Fang as he fled, grazing him on the back.凶手挥舞铁锤但未命中,就将铁锤扔向正在逃离的方是民,击中背部。

5.Aaron was out with the flock. The sheep were contentedly grazing and Aaron took a deep breath of the loamy scented air .艾伦把羊群放到牧场上,羊群正在安心地啃着草,艾伦深深地吸入一口饱含土壤芬芳的空气。

6.Where the mining is underground, the surface area can be simultaneously used for forests, cattle grazing and crop raising.在地下有矿井的地方,其表层的土地同时可以用来造林、放牧和种庄稼。

7.there we found a female , her foal and a male grazing near afar shepherds tending their sheep and goats.在那里我们看到一匹雌驴、她的驴仔和一匹雄驴,就在阿法尔牧羊人放牧绵羊和山羊的不远处吃草。

8.The next day he woke with the sun. His eyes searched for the horse, and there it was, grazing.第二天日出时他醒了过来,马上就用目光寻找那匹马,还好,它就站在那里,正吃着草呢。

9.Over-grazing has damaged the vegetation cover of this area, and the land is beginning to show signs of desertification.过度的放牧使该地区被覆遭到破坏,土地开始荒漠化。

10.Few farmers had training in para-veterinary skills, and did not always see the pnkage between disease and winter time grazing.很少农民接受过基本牲畜医学训练,也不知道动物疾病和冬季放牧的关系。