



美式发音: [ˈhækə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈhækə(r)]






n.1.a computer user who gains unauthorized access to a computer system or data belonging to sb. else

1.黑客证据拼图》(Without Evidence) 《网路骇客》(Hackers) 1993年 《无影终结者》(Cyborg 2) (Apce & Viril) (Angel…

4.电脑黑客 302 电脑病毒 Virus 303 电脑黑客 Hackers 304 白日梦 DayDream ...

5.骇客攻击 Grempns 2:The New Batch 小魔怪续集 Hackers 忽然夺网 入侵网络 Haine,La 怒火青春 ...

7.入侵网路 Haunting,The, 鬼入侵 Hackers, 入侵网路 Highlander:Endgame, 挑战者之极战 ...



1.They were designed by the bad hackers to let them log into a system as "root" without the owner knowing.它们是由坏黑客们设计出来以便在主人不知情的情况下悄悄登录某个系统。

2.Meanwhile, there seem to be plenty of other hackers with a similar idea.与此同时,似乎有很多其他黑客也有类似想法。

3.Hackers maintain their own for a while, see who did not pay him, quietly closed their communities.黑客自己维持了一阵子,见根本没人理他,悄然自己关闭了社区。

4.After the incident, when a reporter asked him, he said he did not pass over that picture, he is a the victims of hackers and mischief.事发后记者问他的时候,他说他没有传过那张照片,他是一个黑客和恶作剧的受害者。

5.A unifying trait among these hackers was a strong sense of curiosity, sometimes bordering on obsession.这些黑客的共同点是都具有极强的好奇心,有时甚至到达痴迷的地步。

6.Paganotto said the hackers did not access sensitive information from the sites. He said he was unaware of the source of the attack.Paganotto称,黑客未获得网站敏感信息,但他还不清楚攻击源头。

7.In fact, any piece of digital data can be acquired through moles within the company or hackers operating half a world away.事实上,任何一段数据都可以被公司内的鼹鼠或远在半个地球外的黑客所获得。

8.In the software community , you " lock up " the programming source code as a means of securing it against hackers and competitors .在软件社区中,您“锁上”编程源代码作为保护它免受黑客和竞争者侵袭的一种手段。

9.Many hackers make a lot of money, hesays, and he seems to be plotting his own path.他说许多黑客赚了大钱,他似乎也在谋划自己的生财之路。

10.The very ubiquity of the Windows operating system makes it a favorite with hackers.由于Windows操作系统的普及使得它成为黑客们的最爱。