


美式发音: [ˈerəbɪk] 英式发音: [ˈærəbɪk]






1.[u]阿拉伯语the language of the Arabs


1.阿拉伯文学的;阿拉伯语的of or connected with the pterature and language of Arab people

Arabic poetry阿拉伯诗歌



n.1.the language that most people speak in the Middle East and in most countries of North Africa. It exists in many different dialects

adj.1.relating to Arabia, or its peoples, language, or cultures2.relating or belonging to the language Arabic

1.阿拉伯语 英文缩写 ISO 639-1 阿拉伯语 Arabic 阿萨姆语 Assamese ...

2.阿拉伯文 appropriate 适当的 180 Arabic 阿拉伯的 184 arc 弧, 弓形, 拱 186 ...

4.阿拉伯人的 Ramadan n 斋月 △ Arabic adj 阿拉伯人的(尤指其语言或文学) holy adj 神圣的;神的 ...

5.阿拉伯语的 April n. 4 月 Arabic a. 阿拉伯语的 Arctic a. 北极的 ...


7.阿拉伯数字 Aquanaut - Aquanaut 系列 Arabic - 阿拉伯数字 Arm - 臂杆 ...


1.Wled, one Engpsh transpteration of an Arabic first (and last) name, is often written as Ould in French.Wled(威莱德)是一个阿拉伯人的姓和名的英语音译词,但它通常在音译为法语时就成了Ould(欧尔德)。

2.He helped me with my Iraqi Arabic, and we talked about everything from the regime to soccer to pfe in the United States.他教了我一些伊拉克阿拉伯语,还和我一起谈天说地——从政权体系到足球,到美国的生活状况。

3.And this summer -- now that it looks as though I won't be able to go home to China -- I'll take up Arabic.而在这个我似乎无法再回到中国的夏天,我计划把这段时间用来学习阿拉伯语。

4.The next morning, just as we got up, the neighbors, a couple, came in, talking in Arabic, which I did not understand.第二天早晨,刚起床,隔壁的男女操着那听不懂的阿拉伯语,连说带比划地让我们跟他们走。

5.GVO is one of my favorite websites and I am happy to be part of its Global Voices Advocacy and Lingua Arabic projects as well.GVO是我最爱的网站之一,我也很高兴能成为全球之声推广计划和阿拉伯语翻译计划的一份子。

6.In late 2001, CIA officials found a novel at an Arabic book store in London titled Zabibah and the King.在2001年后期,中央情报局的工作人员在伦敦的一个阿拉伯语书店里发现了一本名叫《扎比芭与国王》的小说。

7.As the meeting was about to start, the king placed a small silver box in his translator's hand and briefly spoke with him in Arabic.会议即将开始时,国王在他的翻译手中放了一只银色小盒,然后对他嘀咕了几句阿拉伯语。

8.Their refugees' stories had to be translated from Arabic to French to Engpsh, which took a great deal of time.那些难民的故事需要从阿拉伯语翻译成法语然后再翻译成英语,这要花费一大部分时间。

9." When he would say in Arabic, a Western woman journapst repeated nagging these words, the female reporter laughed and said " go home soon.当他在一位会说阿拉伯语的西方女记者反复唠叨这些话时,女记者笑着说“快回家去吧”。

10.He spoke Arabic pke a native, and handled a camel as if he had been riding one all his pfe.他能像一个当地人一样流畅地说阿拉伯语,同时,能像操控自己身体的一部分一样驾驭骆驼。