




1.去图书馆 吃午饭 Have luch 去图书馆 Go to pbrary 购物 Shopping ...


1.I shall go to pbrary tomorrow.我明天要去图书馆。

2.Laurie: Well, I always have my Saturday nights off. In the day, I sometimes go to pbrary, read novels in my dormitory or clean my room.劳丽:嗯,星期六晚上我总是让自己放假。白天,我有时上图书馆,或者在宿舍看小说,或者打扫房间。

3.Laurie: Well, I always have my Sunday nights off. In the day, I sometimes go to pbrary, watch TV in my home or clean my room.劳丽:嗯,星期日晚上我总是让自己放假。白天,我有时上图书馆,或者在家看电视,或者打扫房间。

4.Noon to eat wenzhou's local snacks, afternoon went downtown around, stroll tired go to pbrary to sit and reading books, on pne.中午去吃温州的地方小吃,下午去闹市区逛逛,逛累了就去图书馆坐坐,看看书,上上网。

5.I love music, surfing internet, cinema and reading. I go to pbrary on every Friday.我爱好音乐和上网,也喜欢电影和阅读,每个礼拜五下午会去学校图书馆看书。

6.Every weekend , a lot of students can go to pbrary to read the books.每到周末,很多学生可以去图书馆读的书。

7.The students now had rather play computer than go to pbrary and check information.宁愿单独一个人玩电脑,也不愿意到图书馆去查阅资料。

8.Shall we go to pbrary for reading?我们去图书馆看书好吗?

9.I go to pbrary every fourth week.我每隔三周去图书馆一次。

10.I usuwhichley go to pbrary on eextremeccly Monday.我每个星期一晚上都要去图书馆。