



美式发音: [pæt] 英式发音: [pæt]






复数:pats  现在分词:patting  过去式:patted  搭配同义词

adv.+v.gently pat

adv.perfectly,faultlessly,fluently,impeccably,word for word




1.(喜爱地)轻拍to touch sb/sth gently several times with your hand flat, especially as a sign of affection

She patted the dog on the head.她轻轻地拍着狗的头。

He patted his sister's hand consopngly.他轻拍着妹妹的手安慰她。

Pat your face dry with a soft towel.用软毛巾把脸搌干。

IDMpat sb/yourself on the back(informal)表扬,称赞(某人或自己)to praise sb or yourself for doing sth welln.

1.[ususing](友善的)轻拍,拍打a gentle friendly touch with your open hand or with a flat object

a pat on the head轻轻拍一下头

He gave her knee an affectionate pat.他温情地拍了拍她的膝盖。

2.~ of butter一小块黄油a small, soft, flat lump of butter


He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他工作兢兢业业,值得嘉许。

a pat on the back (for sth/for doing sth)(informal)表扬;赞许praise or approval for sth that you have done well

He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他工作兢兢业业,值得嘉许。


1.过于简易的;不自然的;油滑的too quick, easy or simple; not seeming natural or reapstic

The ending of the novel is a pttle too pat to be convincing.小说的结尾有点过于简单,不能令人信服。

There are no pat answers to these questions.这些问题没有简单的答案。


He had all the answers off pat.所有的答案他都胸有成竹。

have/know sth off pat了如指掌;滚瓜烂熟to know sth perfectly so that you can repeat it at any time without having to think about it

He had all the answers off pat.所有的答案他都胸有成竹。

stand pat固执己见;拒不改变决定to refuse to change your mind about a decision you have made or an opinion you have

adj.1.适当的,恰好的,合适的 (to)2.过于巧合的,人为的3.记得滚瓜烂熟的;准备好的4.快活的,活泼的,神气的5.〈美〉可靠的;固定不变的1.适当的,恰好的,合适的 (to)2.过于巧合的,人为的3.记得滚瓜烂熟的;准备好的4.快活的,活泼的,神气的5.〈美〉可靠的;固定不变的



v.1.轻拍,轻拍...使平滑[成形]2.轻拍...以示抚慰[赞同等]3.轻拍,摩,爱抚,抚 (on upon)4.(跑时等)发出轻拍声1.轻拍,轻拍...使平滑[成形]2.轻拍...以示抚慰[赞同等]3.轻拍,摩,爱抚,抚 (on upon)4.(跑时等)发出轻拍声

adj.1.pat answers or explanations sound as though they have been used many times before and are not sincere

n.1.the action of gently touching someone or something several times with a flat hand2.a small flat piece of butter

v.1.to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them or want to make them feel better; if you pat your hair or skin you touch it gently to make it smooth, neat, or dry; to touch something gently with a flat hand to draw attention to it, or to check that something is where you placed it; if you pat an animal such as a dog or a horse, you touch it gently several times with a flat hand in a friendly way

1.拍 round. 圆的 patting poll. 杆 ...

2.轻拍 whapng n. 捕鲸,<口>一阵痛打 patting n. 轻拍, (黄油)小块v.轻拍 posts n. 柱, 邮件, 岗位, 职位, 邮政 ...

3.拍打法 ... ) reasonable pat 合理拍打 ) Patting 拍打法 ) flapping “拍打” ...


1.But he was no Lampard, speeding by, waving his arms, pointing to his watch and patting his pockets to excuse his not stopping.但他不是兰帕德,他挥舞着手臂快速通过,指着自己的手表、拍拍自己的口袋,作为自己不能停留的借口。

2.He bent, the basketball in his hands before and after non-stop around patting, yo eyes turning to look for the "break" .他弯着腰,篮球在他的手下前后左右不停地拍着,两眼溜溜地转动,寻找“突围”的机会。

3."Means I got to do chemo every month, " he said, patting the IV pump.“我只知道我得每月都去化疗治疗,”他轻轻地拍了拍点滴泵。

4.He'd always respected Sir Win? ston Churchill, and patting small versions of him on the bottom had al? ways seemed ungracious.他一向尊敬温斯顿丘吉尔先生,他觉得拍小号丘吉尔的屁股实在是大不敬的事情。

5.She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair. "We'll be able to see him in a minute. . . . "她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。“我们一会儿就能见到他了……”

6.He invited me inside and sat down on the couch, patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him.他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。

7.Jason: Yes I understood until people started coming up to me at supermarket called me Mr. Marlon, until the guard started patting my bottom.杰森:我理解,直到出现麻烦以前。在超级市场有人叫我亲爱的马龙,就连警卫也来查我的身份。

8.Gerald did not see his daughter in the shadow of the trees, and he drew rein in the road, patting his horse's neck with approbation.杰拉尔德并没有看见在树木黑影中的女儿,他在大路上勒住缰绳,赞赏地轻拍着马的颈项。

9.The Rat stared straight in front of him, saying nothing, only patting Mole gently on the shoulder.河鼠直楞楞地盯着前面,一声不吭,只是轻轻地拍着鼹鼠的肩。

10.Brazil also risks patting itself on the back so much that it fails to see the colossal work that remains to be done.巴西还有过于自满的危险,有可能会看不到仍有大量工作要做。