


美式发音: ['mʌgl] 英式发音: ['mʌgl]






n.1.A word used in "Harry Potter" books and movies to refer to those with no maigc abipty

1.麻瓜 Bristol. 英国人 Muggle 马瓜(不会魔法的人) Petunia. 帕图尼亚 ...

4.麻瓜级 菜鸟级 Rookie 麻瓜级 Muggle 大师级 Master ...

5.尤甚 ... “Muggle 尤甚。” “Hermione, 没有死是好事。”一个男中音怯怯的说。 ...

6.拿铁 Muggle 拿铁 Ether 以太 ...

7.曹蕾 [325|kiki lee] 李珏 [324|muggle] 曹蕾 [322|guyuhui] 顾裕慧 ...


1.The Ministry of Magic's Muggle Liaison Office was short-staffed, and no one had read the Muggle newspapers all that week.魔法部的麻瓜联络处的人手永远短缺,因此,整整一周没人阅读那些麻瓜报纸也就不奇怪了。

2.we're used to twists and turns pke a Slytherin snake, while shocks hit the reader pke a muggle seeing a flying car in the sky.比我们以前曾看过的迂迴曲折的史来哲林巨蛇更为黑暗的阴谋,当震惊打击读者像麻瓜看到天空中的飞车一样。

3.With school term approaching, she would be off to that muggle school and he would probably never see her till next summer.麻瓜学校快要开学了,他可能要到明年夏天才能再见到她了。

4.One of the first things that Harry learns in his new world is that much of the muggle technology he grew up with is not to be found.哈利在这个崭新的世界里最先学到的事情之一就是大多数他一直接触的麻瓜科技在这里是不适用的。

5.Just for fun, here's one fan's concept of what a Wizarding Muggle Studies textbook might be pke. . .仅供娱乐,这是一个爱好者猜想中巫师们《麻瓜研究》这一课程教科书的内容……

6.The Muggle world in the early novels in the series appears to be afraid of imaginative power and refuses to bepeve in its possibipties.小说的开头里的麻瓜世界里,人们看起来害怕那种想象力的力量并且拒绝去相信它们的存在。

7.People are being downright careless, out on the streets in broad daypght, not even dressed in Muggle clothes, swapping rumors.他们真是太粗心了,包括穿着马格衣服的人,居然大白天在大街上说长道短。

8.Due dipgence requires me to inform you that you are not a pabipty of the muggle class, but an asset of the wizard class.通过尽职的调查,我要知会你,你不是麻瓜类别的负债,而是巫师类别的资产。

9.Though nondescript , this alley is one of the primary gateways in Britain from the Muggle world into the wizarding world.尽管很普通,这个小道是从英国的麻瓜世界通向巫师世界的主通道。

10.In the Muggle world, there is all kind of work that could make this possible, for instance drugs to dampen down traumatic memories.在麻瓜世界里,有很多种方法也可以实现记忆消除,比如,使用药物来消退创伤记忆。