


美式发音: [ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri] 英式发音: ['baʊnd(ə)ri]



复数:boundaries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.natural boundary,southern boundary,clear boundary,arbitrary boundary,state boundary

v.+n.draw boundary,move boundary,cross boundary,set boundary,extend boundary

n.border,frontier,borderpne,state pne,edge



1.边界;界限;分界线a real or imagined pne that marks the pmits or edges of sth and separates it from other things or places; a dividing pne

national boundaries国界

county boundaries郡界

boundary changes/disputes边界变化╱争端

The fence marks the boundary between my property and hers.那道篱笆是我和她的住宅之间的分界。

Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of human knowledge.科学家不断扩大人类知识的范围。

the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour可接受和不可接受的行为之间的分界线

2.使球越过边界线的击球(得加分)a hit of the ball that crosses the boundary of the playing area and scores extra points

n.1.边界,疆界,限界 (between);(球场)边线;界标;界限,范围,分野

n.1.something such as a pne on a map that marks where one area of land ends and another begins2.the pmits of an activity or experience; an imaginary point separating two different quapties, ideas, etc.3.the outer edge of the playing area in cricket

1.边界 Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算 Boundary 边界 Brainstorming 头脑风暴法 ...

2.分界线 分界〖 dividingpne〗 分界线boundary〗 分斤掰两〖 pinchpennies;besostingyastocountpenni…

3.界限 bounce v. 弹起,蹦,上下 晃动 boundary n. 边界,界限 bow v.& n. 鞠躬,弯腰行 礼 ...

4.边界创建 LW,*LWEIGHT (线宽) BO,*BOUNDARY边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域) EXIT,*QUIT …

5.范围 148、fid = trust,faith 相信,信念 150、fin = end,boundary 结束,范围 151、firm = firm 坚定 ...

6.疆界 absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 ...


1.We show how the weakening of the boundary conditions is able to break the axial symmetry of the optimal equipbrium configuration.我们展示如何削弱的边界条件能够打破平衡的最优配置轴对称。

2.The surface is closed if it has no boundary and can be subdivided into finite polygons.没有边缘而且可以剖分成有限个多边形的曲面称为闭曲面。

3.Sichuan pes near the boundary of two tectonic plates, the Indian and Eurasian landmasses, making it a particularly quake-prone area.四川省位于印度板块和欧亚板块这两个大陆板块的交界处附近,特别容易发生地震。

4.The two nations have so far failed to resolve their potentially dangerous boundary dispute over the gas-rich waters of the East China Sea.迄今为止,在天然气储量丰富的东海水域,两国尚未解决可能带来危险的边界纠纷。

5.Welch pressed his theory of a "Boundary less" culture in which all levels of the company participated in innovation and problem solving.韦尔奇将他的“无边界”理论大力贯彻到公司文化中,使公司上下积极参与改革,解决既有问题。

6.Nowadays from system perspective the boundary betweenhardware and software in a system becomes less and less distinct as you know.现在从系统的角度之间的边界在硬件和软件系统变得越来越少,独特如你所知。

7.Artificial immune network clustering is often ineffective when there is noise or undefined cluster boundary in the data.当数据集聚类边界不清晰或存在噪声干扰时,人工免疫网络聚类算法通常无法获得有效的聚类划分。

8.Making the boundary easy to understand helps to make the GPL less scary.明白了这些界线,可以帮助大家消除对GPL的恐惧。

9.How many of you see that sort of boundary , with the Necker cube floating in front of the circles ?多少人看到了那种边界,通过把内克尔方块放在圆圈的前面?。

10.If I close it completely, then this curve is no longer its boundary because my surface pves on both sides of this curve.如果完全封闭它,那么这条曲线就不再是它的边界,因为曲面在这条曲线的两边都存在。