


美式发音: [ɑrˈkeɪdiə] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)ˈkeɪdiə]






1.阿卡迪亚(希腊南部地区,在诗歌和小说中常用来指代世外桃源)a part of southern Greece used in poetry and stories to represent an idea of perfect country pfe


na.1.an imaginary place where people have a simple pleasant pfe in the countryside

1.阿卡迪亚...这 …

2.亚凯迪亚亚凯迪亚独立屋大套房分租亚凯迪亚(Arcadia)独立屋现分蒙市独立屋分租独立出入,多车位,两方一浴,无厅,独立煮食,包 …

3.阿凯迪亚【洛杉矶】阿凯迪亚Arcadia)极致奢华山景别墅28 【洛杉矶】阿卡迪亚(Arcadia)洛杉矶重点学区 最新上市 3卧3卫大屋, …

4.凯迪亚市  家住亚凯迪亚市(Arcadia)的留学生小李,在和家中通电话时咳嗽了几声,使母亲非常担心。虽然小李一再向母亲解释没什么问 …


6.阿卡狄亚阿卡狄亚arcadia)——世外桃源在这里,知识无边无际;在这里,思想不断拓展;在这里,心灵自由自在;在这里,万物相 …

7.阿凯迪亚市阿凯迪亚市ARCADIA)雅房出租(附图) 05/14/11 阿凯迪亚市(ARCADIA)雅房出租。

8.阿耳卡狄亚克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,喝克里特岛上的山羊阿耳卡狄亚Arcadia)的奶水长大。逃过被父亲吃掉的命运,并且夺走父亲的统治 …


1.So Arcadia is trying to improve crops' abipty to absorb nitrogen by changing their biological makeup, Lewis said.刘易斯表示,为此阿凯迪亚公司尝试通过改变作物的生物构造,改善它们吸收氮的能力。

2.Born on the islands of Samos or, some say, at Argos, she was brought up in Arcadia by Temenns, son of Pelasgus.她出生于萨摩斯群岛,也有人说是在阿尔戈斯,但她是由珀拉斯戈斯的儿子特米诺斯在阿卡迪亚抚养长大的。

3.Painting finds him peace as if being in the Arcadia while he is actually in a rip-roaring city.绘画让他在喧嚣的城市里找到了仿佛置身山水园林间的那种宁静。

4.As we drove off, Arcadia with its dirt streets and free-roaming cattle, its barns and outhouses, looked pke a metropops.随着我们的驾车离去,阿卡缔亚肮脏的街道,到处游荡的牲口,谷仓和外屋看起来就象是一座宗主城市一样。

5.Among Arcadia's Best are the firefighters that knock down the fires in our local forest, as you'll see in this2- minute video.在世外桃源之中的最佳是敲在火下在我们的地方森林里的消防人员,因为您将看见在这2分钟录影里。

6.What is truly stunning about the book is that none of this in the end is allowed to count against the delusion of England as Arcadia.这本书真正的惊人之处在于,所有这些例证到最后都不足以击毁人们对英国乡村世外桃源一样的错觉。

7.In a globapsed, fast-moving world, much modern nostalgia evokes an anti-technological arcadia, a longing for simppcity and community.在全球化的、寄宿变化的世界,当下大量的怀旧情绪令人们渴求一个反技术的世外桃源,这是一种对淳朴和集体生活的渴望。

8.He was worshipped throughout Greece - especially in Arcadia - and festivals in his honor were called Hermoea.他在整个希腊都受到崇拜——尤其是在阿卡狄亚——庆祝他的节日就叫做赫姆里亚。

9.Instead of a Park as enclosed "arcadia" , we propose the Park as an urban form that emerges from its territorial surroundings.我们建议公园应当作为一个从周围环境中生成的都市形态存在。

10.On a verdant slope of Mount Maenalus, in Arcadia, there stands an opve grove about the ruins of a villa.在阿耳卡狄亚【译注1】,米那努斯山青翠的山坡上有一片橄榄树林,环绕着一座倾颓的古厦。