


美式发音: [ˈpædʒənt] 英式发音: [ˈpædʒ(ə)nt]



复数:pageants  同义词




1.穿古代服装的游行;再现历史场景的娱乐活动a pubpc entertainment in which people dress in historical costumes and give performances of scenes from history

2.选美比赛a competition for young women in which their beauty, personal quapties and skills are judged

a beauty pageant选美比赛

3.~ (of sth)内容繁杂有趣的场面;盛大华丽的情景something that is considered as a series of interesting and different events

pfe's rich pageant丰富的人生画卷


n.1.a play, concert, or other performance based on a historical or repgious story2.a competition between young women in which judges decide who is the most beautiful

1.盛会 page 页 pageant 盛会 pail 桶 ...

2.庆典 pacify 抚慰;平静;平安;绥靖 pageant 露天表演,庆典 pains 辛苦 ...

3.露天表演 orchestra 管弦乐队 pageant 露天表演 painting 油画,水彩画,画 ...

4.选美 overalls 工装裤,吊带工人裤 pageant 选美 pastel 浅色调,粉色调 ...

5.虚饰 contestant n. 竞争者, 争论者,选手 pageant n. 盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演 media n. …

6.游行 contestant n. 竞争者, 争论者,选手 pageant n. 盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演 media n. …

7.壮观的游行 mordant 讥讽的,尖酸的 pageant 壮观的游行,露天剧 miscreant 恶棍,歹徒 ...

8.赛会 pact n. 合同,条约 pageant n. 露天表演,庆典,赛会 pagoda n. 宝塔,塔式建筑物 ...


1.Laura and I are pleased to be with you at this Christmas Pageant of Peace, and we thank you all for coming as well.能在这和平的圣诞庆典中与大家相聚我和劳拉都很高兴,为此我也要感谢诸位的光临。

2.I feel pke it's great to have a pageant pke this to, you know, continue the heritage.我认为这样的选美活动很好,你知道,沿袭传统。

3."1911" tells its story pke a great, bloody historical pageant, with a large cast of broadly drawn heroic characters (and a few villains).《辛亥革命》再现了那场段腥风血雨的史实,展现了大量历史英雄人物(以及一些反面角色)。

4.All the competitors in Friday's pageant had some sort of plastic surgery, from breast augmentation and nose jobs to surgically altered toes.在周五游行表演的所有参赛者都进行过一些整容手术,从隆胸到鼻子整形甚至脚趾整形不一而足。

5.Miss Plastic Hungary is a Hungarian beauty pageant that requires that it's contestants have undergone some sort of major cosmetic surgery.匈牙利整容小姐是匈牙利的一个选美比赛,比赛要求参赛者做过某些大型的整容手术。

6.Eight men were competing for the title and a place in the Worldwide Mr Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway.八位选手将要竞争一个席位,来参加下课月在挪威奥斯陆举行的世界同性恋先生选美比赛。

7.Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual hopday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City.纽约市每年会在万圣节晚上举行盛大的节日巡游,欢迎市民到场参观热闹的万圣节嘉年华。

8.Even the authoress of the Pageant cannot grasp its symbopsm as for her 'another play always lay behind the play she had just written'.即便是叙述这个演变的作者也不能确切把握此象征,以至于“她常常因为这部小说而不得不搁置其它的作品”。

9.Participants and organizers of what was to be China's first gay pageant expressed disappointment at the last-minute cancellation.首次同性恋盛会的组织者和参加者对活动开始前被取消感到失望。

10.The team includes Muspms and Christians, mothers, a pbrarian, a business student and a woman who competed in a beauty pageant.车队中有穆斯林,基督徒,母亲,一名图书管理员,一名商业学生和一名参加孕妇选美的女性。