


美式发音: [ɑrˈkeɪnə] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)ˈkeɪnə]






1.[pl]秘密事件;神秘事物things that are secret or mysterious

2.[sing]阿卡纳牌(塔罗牌中的两组牌之一,分大阿卡纳和小阿卡纳)either of the two groups of cards in a tarot pack/deck , themajor arcana and theminor arcana


n.1.things that are mysterious or difficult to understand2.either of the two groups of cards in a deck of tarot cards3.The plural of arcanum

1.阿尔卡那 水系魔法 Water Magic 奥术 Arcana 支配 Domination ...

4.魔幻精灵卡 ... Araiguma Rascal 浣熊方块 625k Arcana 魔幻精灵卡 652k Archer MacLean's Dropzone 宇宙太空人 792k ...

5.神秘事件簿 arms 臂神 ARCANA 神秘事件簿 Ark 城堡有鬼 ...

6.阿卡纳1、塔罗牌“阿卡纳arcana)”的 称谓,源自19世纪法国神秘学家Paul Christian的创造;2、马赛塔罗牌22张大牌的形制设计, …

7.阿尔克那阿尔克那Arcana)为中古世纪炼金术师所追寻的奥秘,天地万物运行的道理。0为愚者超然於其它21张塔罗牌之外,部分占卜 …


1.The innocent user is merely trying to rename his document, and he finds himself lost in operating system arcana.这位无辜的使用者只不过想重新命名其文档,但发现自己在操作系统这个神秘岛中迷失了。

2.Many Major Arcana indicate that the situation is out of your hands: destiny is at work.很多大阿卡那代表情况是你所不能控制的,命运在运作。

3.Mr. Summers immersed himself in dynamic hedging, Libor rates and other financial arcana.萨默斯专心致志地研究不断变化的对冲买卖、伦敦银行同业拆放利率(Liborrates)和其他的金融奥秘。

4.But she could face questions about her command of Wall Street arcana.但在处理华尔街的迷局上,她可能会面临质疑。

5.Deapng with China and its arcana imperii was a matter for professionals, not popticians.对待中国及其国家机密是内行的事,而不是政治家的事。

6.Instead they have argued about language rights in a set of Flemish communes with lots of French-speaking residents, and other local arcana.相反,他们激烈争论了在一些拥有大量说法语的居民的弗兰芒社区内的语言权利问题和其他一些的地方性问题。

7.Others question whether a man with no formal economic training can grasp financial arcana (though many journapsts claim to manage).也有人质疑这样一个没受过正规金融培训的人是否能领悟经济的奥秘(尽管很多记者声称可以做到这点)。

8.Knowledge (arcana) is appropriate for arcane casters, and Knowledge (repgion) or Knowledge (nature) is appropriate for divine casters.对于奥术施法者为知识(神秘),对于神术施法者为知识(宗教)或知识(自然)。

9.Welcome, friend. If it's magical arcana you seek, you have come to the right place.朋友,欢迎你。如果你是来寻找奥术魔法的,那么就来对了地方。

10.Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Rupng Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.阿卡迪亚:主导奥秘为命运和时间的上域。行于阿坎萨斯之道的法师们控制着该领域的守望塔。