

freshwater lake

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1.淡水湖 ... ) not seeking fame and wealth 淡泊 ) freshwater lake 淡水湖泊 ) detached and simple 超然淡泊 ...


1.An old lagoon was formed during Chunqiu to Tang Dynasties later, turned into a freshwater lake gradually.春秋至唐代,本区由古泻湖逐步演变为淡水湖;

2.They were diving at the local freshwater lake sothere was nothing to be worried about, he reasoned.他坚信这是片清澈的海域,因此没什么好担心的。

3.Beach sands with snail shells revealed they were doing the butchering on the banks of a freshwater lake, pke Yardi today.湖滨沙地里的蜗牛壳表明,他们是在一些淡水湖如亚迪湖的岸边进行宰杀活动的。

4.The mouth of the river is dammed and a freshwater lake created behind the dam .河口筑起了拦河坝,坝后便形成了淡水湖。

5.Fish traders sell fresh catch in Yueyang town, which pes on the shores of Dongting Lake, China's second largest freshwater lake.这张照片拍摄的是岳阳镇上的鱼贩,岳阳是中国第二大淡水湖洞庭湖边的一个城镇。

6.Manchhar Lake is Pakistan's largest freshwater lake, and its water level varies considerably over time.曼查尔湖是巴基斯坦最大的淡水湖,其水位随时间变化非常大。

7.Lake Erhai is an important freshwater lake in Yunnan Province.洱海是云贵湖区的一个重要淡水湖泊。

8.Chaohu's museum, shown here, houses a Han dynasty tomb, and the city is known for its huge freshwater lake.上图为巢湖市博物馆,是在汉墓的基础上修建而成。该市以大面积的淡水湖闻名。

9.Poyang lake in East China's Jiangxi Province is the country's largest freshwater lake.华东江西省的鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖。

10.China's largest freshwater lake is Lake Poyang with an area of 3, 583 square kilometers.最大的淡水湖是江南的鄱阳湖,面积3583平方公里。