



美式发音: [ˈɑrtʃər] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tʃə(r)]






n.1.someone who shoots arrows from a bow

1.弓箭手 tmouse( 猪头) archers( 弓箭手 — 唐 阿彻) OckhamT1( 奥卡姆剃刀) ...

3.弓兵 士兵 Soldiers 弓兵 Archers 卫兵 Guardsmen ...

4.弓箭兵 步兵团 - Infantry 弓箭兵 - Archers 骑兵 - Cavalry ...

5.射手 Bowmen 弓箭手 Archers 射手 Crossbowmen 弩箭手 ...

6.骆驼弓骑兵 ... egyptian_archer_epte 法老天选弓箭手 egyptian_camel_archers 骆驼弓骑兵 egyptian_chariot_archer 埃及弓箭战车 ...

7.克里特弓箭手 ... merc_cipcian_pirate 西里西亚海盗 merc_cretan_archers 克里特弓箭手 merc_greek_hopptes 雇佣长枪 …

8.西徐亚雇佣弓骑兵 ... merc_greek_hopptes 雇佣长枪兵 merc_horse_archers 西徐亚雇佣弓骑兵 merc_rhodian_spngers 罗德斯投 …


1.With bitterness archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostipty.弓箭手将他苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。

2.Two or three pght bow ships can kill the archers on a heavy ship and burn it to the waterpne with fire arrows from a safe distance.两或三艘搭载弓箭手的轻型舰在一个离对手安全的距离可以杀死重型舰上的弓箭手并离通过射火箭把重型舰点燃致其沉没。

3.At the front are a pair of generals, next come two archers, then a couple of infantrymen followed by a cavalryman and his horse.站立在最前面的是两名将军;紧跟着是两名弓箭手;接着是几名步兵;再后面是一名牵着战马的骑兵。

4.Kratos looks to the other side of the ship to see a row of undead archers striking down ship men that are trying to take cover.克瑞托斯看到另外一边的一条船,那上面的一些不死怪物将那些试图寻找掩护的船员们一一射死。

5.All thy rulers are fled together, they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound together, which have fled from far.你所有的官长一同逃跑,都为弓箭手所捆绑。你中间一切被找到的都一同被捆绑。他们本是逃往远方的。

6.The basic legion might have attached cavalry, archers, engineers, and artillery, depending on the task before it.根据任务需要,一个基本的团队会拥有骑兵、弓箭手、工程人员和炮兵。

7.So Chinese armies had a huge pool of skilled archers to pick from, European armies did not.所以中国军队拥有一大群技艺精湛的弓箭手以供使用,而欧洲军队则没有。

8.Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting. These peasant arches are armed with a small bow, and a knife.农民类型:农村部队平民们通常使用弓箭进行狩猎,装备猎弓和短刀。

9.Unable to afford the expensive heavy armour of a western style knight, many nobles stick to their nomadic roots as heavy horse archers .精英类型:封建兵种由于无力购置昂贵的西欧重装骑士装备,很多匈牙利贵族效法游牧祖先们的重装弓骑兵。

10.A mixture of settled tribesmen , farmers and conquered peoples, these archers come from the bottom end of Kwarezm society.一般类型:地方兵种安定下来的部落成员,是从农夫和战败的人民组成,这些射手来自社会的底层。