


美式发音: [ə'rɪkə] 英式发音: ['ærɪkə]






n.1.a tall palm tree with white flowers.

1.槟榔 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca 牛蒡 great burdock ...

2.槟榔属 棕榈科 Arecaceae 槟榔属 Areca 槟榔 A. catechu ...

3.槟榔树 areaway 空地 areca 槟榔树 arena 竞技场 ...

4.槟榔子是槟榈科植物属 Hiblade 刀锋科技 areca 广安 Tekram 建邦 ...

6.冰雹 ... /ice/ 槟 /areca/ 冰雹 /mutiny/ 兵部 ...


1.Betel Nut, Papua New Guinea. The Areca nut is chewed with the Betel leaf to produce a mild stimulant. Side effects include red teeth.产自新几内亚的巴布亚岛,槟榔的果实和槟椰子的叶子放在一起嚼,产生轻微的镇定作用。副作用是导致牙齿变红。

2.The surprising finding was that local plantations of areca palms retained 90% of the birds associated with native forest.令人惊讶的发现是,当地棕榈科槟榔属植物的种植保留了90%与天然森林相伴的鸟类。

3.of areca hull using cellulose enzyme coupled with high pressure treatment had been explored in this paper.采用高压耦合纤维素酶水解技术软化槟榔壳。

4.Those studies tend to view areca quid chewing as a function of individual risk behaviors and ignore its social context.基本上这些观点仍将嚼食槟榔的行为朝向「个人化」归因,较忽略社会脉络面向对嚼食槟榔的影响。

5.Objective: Study and formulate a standardized scorched Areca Seed processing techniques and quapty control standards.目的:本课题研究制定焦槟榔规范化炮制工艺和可控性质量标准。

6.The areca nuts were soaked in a solution with some flavors , and then dried. The achieved Mixiang areca nuts had good appearance and flavor.用香料配制一种浸液,将槟榔浸泡其中,入味后,烘干就成为成品。产品具有良好的外观和风味。

7.Cpnical observation on curative effect of compound areca gargle on dental plaque and gingivitis .复方槟榔含漱液对控制菌斑和消除牙龈炎疗效观察。

8.other items include lotus seeds , ply , sesame , areca nut , red beans , green beans , red dates , red string , lai see and jewelries.其它则有莲子、百合、芝麻、槟榔、红豆、绿豆、红枣、红头绳、利是、首饰等。

9.Study on the Biology, Amino Acid and Mineral Elements of the Pollen of Areca catechu L.槟榔花粉的生物学、氨基酸和化学元素含量研究。

10.It has been well documented that Areca quid chewing is harmful for health.国内外大量研究广泛证实嚼食槟榔会对健康的带来极大的危害。