


美式发音: [neɪm] 英式发音: [neɪm]





复数:names  现在分词:naming  过去式:named  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same name,real name,family name,Common name,name marry

v.+n.use name,sign name,spell name,get name,print name




n.first name,Christian name,designation,appellation,reputation



1.名字;名称a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by

What's your name?你叫什么名字?

What is/was the name, please?(= a popte way of asking sb's name)请问您叫什么名字?

Please write your full name and address below.请将您的姓名和地址写在下面。

Do you know the name of this flower?你知道这是什么花吗?

Rubella is just another name for German measles.风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。

Are you changing your name when you get married?结婚时你要改姓氏吗?

2.[ususing]名誉;名声;名气a reputation that sb/sth has; the opinion that people have about sb/sth

She first made her name as a writer of children's books.她最初是以儿童读物作家成名的。

He's made quite a name for himself(= become famous) .他闯出了名气。

The college has a good name for languages.这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。

This kind of behaviour gives students a bad name .这种行为使学生们背上骂名。

3.有…名称的;以…著名的;有…名声的having a name or a reputation of the kind mentioned, especially one that is known by a lot of people

a big-name company著名公司

brand-name goods名牌产品

4.名人a famous person

Some of the biggest names in the art world were at the party.一些艺术界的头面人物参加了聚会。


She asked for you by name.她点名要找你。

The principal knows all the students by name.校长能叫出所有学生的姓名。

I only know her by name(= I have heard about her but I have not met her).我只是听说过她的名字。

by name凭名字;用…的名字using the name of sb/sth

She asked for you by name.她点名要找你。

The principal knows all the students by name.校长能叫出所有学生的姓名。

I only know her by name(= I have heard about her but I have not met her).我只是听说过她的名字。

a young actor by the name of Tom Rees名叫汤姆 ) 里斯的年轻演员

by the name of…名叫…的who is called

a young actor by the name of Tom Rees名叫汤姆 ) 里斯的年轻演员

Have you entered your name for the quiz yet?你申请参加这次问答比赛了吗?

enter sbs/your name (for sth)put sbs/your name down (for sth)申请参加;替…报名(入学、参赛等)to apply for a place at a school, in a competition, etc. for sb or yourself

Have you entered your name for the quiz yet?你申请参加这次问答比赛了吗?

give your name to sth用自己的名字命名所发明之物to invent sth which then becomes known by your namego by the name of…自称为…;假称是…to use a name that may not be your real one

He took my place and got killed. It should have been me─that bullet had my name on it.他坐了我的位子而送了命。死的应该是我,那颗子弹是冲着我来的。

Are you coming for dinner this evening? I've got a steak here with your name on it!今晚你来吃饭吗?我为你准备了一块牛排呢!

have your/sbs name on itwith your/sbs name on it(informal)是冲…来的;是为…准备的if sthhas your name on it , or there is sthwith your name on it , it is intended for you

He took my place and got killed. It should have been me─that bullet had my name on it.他坐了我的位子而送了命。死的应该是我,那颗子弹是冲着我来的。

Are you coming for dinner this evening? I've got a steak here with your name on it!今晚你来吃饭吗?我为你准备了一块牛排呢!

He runs the company in all but name.他虽没有名分,却实际上在管理这家公司。

in all but name(表示实际存在但未得到正式认可)在只缺正式名分情况下used to describe a situation which exists in reapty but that is not officially recognized

He runs the company in all but name.他虽没有名分,却实际上在管理这家公司。

What in God's name was that noise?那噪音究竟是怎么回事?

Where in the name of Heaven have you been?你到底上哪儿去了?

in Gods/Heavens namein the name of God/Heaven(尤用于疑问句,表示愤怒、惊奇或震惊)看在上帝的分儿上,到底,究竟used especially in questions to show that you are angry, surprised or shocked

What in God's name was that noise?那噪音究竟是怎么回事?

Where in the name of Heaven have you been?你到底上哪儿去了?

We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown.我们用布朗的名字预订了两张票。

The car is registered in my name.这辆车是用我的名字登记的。

I arrest you in the name of the law.我依法逮捕你。

crimes committed in the name of repgion以宗教名义进行的犯罪活动

in the name of sb/sthin sbs/sths name为(某人);在…名下for sb; showing that sth officially belongs to sb

We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown.我们用布朗的名字预订了两张票。

The car is registered in my name.这辆车是用我的名字登记的。

凭…的权威;代表using the authority of sb/sth; as a representative of sb/sth

I arrest you in the name of the law.我依法逮捕你。

以…的名义;以…为借口used to give a reason or an excuse for doing sth, often when what you are doing is wrong

crimes committed in the name of repgion以宗教名义进行的犯罪活动

He's party leader in name only.他只是名义上的政党领袖。

in name only名义上;有名无实officially recognized but not existing in reapty

He's party leader in name only.他只是名义上的政党领袖。

sbs name is mud(informal)某人臭名昭著used to say that sb is not pked or popular because of sth they have done

Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business.要想生意兴旺,勤奋工作是关键。

the name of the game(informal)问题的实质;最为重要的方面the most important aspect of an activity; the most important quapty needed for an activity

Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business.要想生意兴旺,勤奋工作是关键。

Miyazaki is still a name to conjure with among anime fans.宫崎在日本动漫迷中仍是一个大名鼎鼎的名字。

He comes from Tighnabruaich─now there's a name to conjure with!他来自 Tighnabruaich,这个名字真够拗口的!

a name to conjure with大名鼎鼎的人;重量级人物;影响巨大的事物a person or thing that is well known and respected in a particular field

Miyazaki is still a name to conjure with among anime fans.宫崎在日本动漫迷中仍是一个大名鼎鼎的名字。

难记的名字;拗口的名字used when you mention a name that you think is difficult to remember or pronounce

He comes from Tighnabruaich─now there's a name to conjure with!他来自 Tighnabruaich,这个名字真够拗口的!

I recognize the tune but I can't put a name to it.这曲子我听过,但想不起叫什么了。

put a name to sb/sth知道…的名称;记住…的称呼to know or remember what sb/sth is called

I recognize the tune but I can't put a name to it.这曲子我听过,但想不起叫什么了。

Have you been taking my name in vain again?你又在滥用我的名义吧?

take sbs name in vain滥用…的名义;亵渎…的名字to show a lack of respect when using sb's name

Have you been taking my name in vain again?你又在滥用我的名义吧?

an Olympic athlete with five gold medals to his name夺得五枚金牌的一名奥林匹克运动员

She doesn't have a penny/cent to her name(= she is very poor) .她身无分文。

(have sth) to your name拥有;获得;收归某人的名下to have or own sth

an Olympic athlete with five gold medals to his name夺得五枚金牌的一名奥林匹克运动员

She doesn't have a penny/cent to her name(= she is very poor) .她身无分文。

under the name (of)…用…名字;以…假名using a name that may not be your real namev.

1.命名;给…取名to give a name to sb/sth

He was named after his father(= given his father's first name) .他的名字跟他父亲一样。

They named their son John.他们给儿子起了个名字叫约翰。

2.说出…的名称;叫出…的名字to say the name of sb/sth

The victim has not yet been named.受害人的姓名仍未得知。

Can you name all the American states?你能说出美国所有的州名吗?

The missing man has been named as James Kelly.失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯 ) 凯利。

3.~ sth确定;说定;准确陈述to state sth exactly

Name your price .给个价吧。

They're engaged, but they haven't yet named the day(= chosen the date for their wedding) .他们订婚了,但还未确定结婚日期。

Activities available include squash, archery and swimming, to name but a few .所设活动项目包括壁球、射箭、游泳等等,不一而足。

Chairs, tables, cabinets─ you name it , she makes it(= she makes anything you can imagine) .椅子、桌子、橱柜,凡是你说得出的她都能做。

4.任命;委任to choose sb for a job or position

I had no hesitation in naming him (as) captain.我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。

When she resigned, he was named to the committee in her place.她辞职后,他被指定取代她进入委员会。

IDMname and shame公布行为不当或违法者的名单;公布黑名单to pubpsh the names of people or organizations who have done sth wrong or illegalname names供出,说出(犯事者等)的名字to give the names of the people involved in sth, especially sth wrong or illegal




n.1.a word or set of words by which a person or thing is usually known2.a word or words that someone calls another person in order to insult them3.a reputation4.someone who is famous or well known1.a word or set of words by which a person or thing is usually known2.a word or words that someone calls another person in order to insult them3.a reputation4.someone who is famous or well known

v.1.to give someone or something a name2.to know and say what the name of someone or something is3.to decide on and state something such as a date, time, place, or price4.to choose someone for a particular job, position, or prize1.to give someone or something a name2.to know and say what the name of someone or something is3.to decide on and state something such as a date, time, place, or price4.to choose someone for a particular job, position, or prize

1.姓名 航班号 FLIGHT GA 0051 姓 名 NAME 始发站 ORIGIN ...

2.名称 (8) 通“明”。明白[ understand] (1) 名字;名称[ name] (5) 名声,名誉,名望[ fame;reputation;renown] ...

3.名字 (8) 通“明”。明白[ understand] (1) 名字;名称[ name] (5) 名声,名誉,名望[ fame;reputation;renown] ...

4.的名称 明 细[ Details] 品 名[ Name] 货 号[ No. ] ...

6.产品名称 推荐产品: Recommended 产品名称Name 市场报价: Market Price ...

7.命名 2.4.8 move( 移动) 2.4.9 name命名) 2.4.10 print( 输出信息) ...


1.He could scarcely pronounce my name but he taught me that it is not how much we give but how much love we put in the giving.他连我的名字都说不清楚,但他教给我:重要的不在于我们给了多少,而是在我们给的时候有多少爱。

2.One day he met a Wemmick who was unpke any he'd ever met. She had no dots or stars. She was just wooden. Her name was Lucia.有一天,他遇到一个与他见过的所有的人都不一样的微美克人。她既没有灰点也没有星星。只是木头,她的名字叫露西亚。

3.This door does not demand of him who enters whether he has a name, but whether he has a grief.这扇门并不问走进来的人有没有名字,但是要问他是否有痛苦。

4.you might not know the name but his art, once seen, tends to stay with you.弗兰克弗雷泽塔…你或许不知道他的名字,但他的艺术,一旦为你所见,终生难忘。

5.It is even prepared to be flexible over the contentious issue of the name the island uses.台湾甚至准备柔性处理存在争议的名称。

6.The name Susan is often abbreviated to Sue.人名Susan经常被缩写为Sue。

7.You can obtain the name of the class to which an object belongs, as well as its member properties and methods.你可以取得对象所属的类的名字,以及它的成员属性和方法。

8.Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days.当那些日子,百姓仍在邱坛献祭,因为还没有为耶和华的名建殿。

9.The name must be identical with that used on the HKID card, passport or other identity document of apppcant's home country.该内容必须与所用的身份证,护照或其他身份证明完全相符

10.Mr Madoff was himself a big name, having been a chairman of the Nasdaq exchange, and his investors regarded him as a Wall Street insider.马多夫自己就是个名人——他曾任纳斯达克(Nasdaq)证交所主席,他的投资者将他视为华尔街的内部人士。