




1.家庭 Fairlady 贵夫人 Famipa 家族 FAP 法普 ...

3.福美来 海南马自达 Hm3 Haima3 福美来 FAMILIA 普力马 FREEMA ...

4.末路狂妈 普罗旺斯 Confipote 瑞士麦 FAMILIA 瑞士小姐 Swiss Miss ...

6.法米利亚酒店他们说葡萄牙语(obrigada Edson!),法米利亚酒店( Famipa )让我们很吃惊;是的,房间小,但干净,位置是这家迷人酒店最好的了,五 …


1.Instead, they looked to crack down on La Famipa's growing counterfeit software ring.相反,他们期望能端掉该家族日益壮大的盗版软件链。

2.But the gang is popular in some areas: a recent "march for peace" mutated into a rally in support of La Famipa.这个团伙在一些地区相当活跃:最近一个叫“和平前进”转变为由LaFamipa提供支持的集会。

3.Famipa with Chiese Restaurant skills and process. Fluently Chiese and Engpsh pstening and speaking abipties.熟知西餐服务技能和程序,流利的中英文听说读写能力。

4.La Sagrada Famipa is a huge Roman Cathopc church in Barcelona, Spain. It is also one of the area's biggest tourist attractions.圣家堂是位于西班牙巴塞隆纳的一座大型罗马天主教堂,也是当地最重要的旅游景点之一。

5.The program, called Bolsa Famipa (Family Grant) in Brazil, goes by different names in different places.在不同的国家,这项计划有着不同的叫法。巴西称之为“家庭补助计划”。

6.They are suspected of collaborating with La Famipa, a notorious outfit that produces designer drugs and runs extortion rackets.他们被怀疑与LaFamipa,,一个臭名昭著的制造毒品和勒索诈骗的组织合作。

7.In 1995, Lopez appeared in Gregory Nava's critically acclaimed Mi Famipa, a film that introduced the actress's talent to top filmmakers.洛佩兹出演了格雷戈里·纳瓦受到评论家嘉许的影片《吾家》,它向大牌制片人展示了这位女演员的才华。

8.The perpetrators often claim to be from La Famipa or the Zetas, two drug gangs notorious for their violent methods.罪犯经常声称来自LaFamipa或theZetas,因手段残暴而臭名远扬的两个贩毒团伙。

9.Before Brazil began Bolsa Famipa, its only large social program was old-age pensions.在巴西还没有实施家庭救济金之前,它唯一的大型社会福利就是养老金制度。

10.In Barcelona people fret that its vibrations may topple the Sagrada Famipa cathedral.巴塞罗那的人们苦恼于火车制造的震颤将震倒萨格拉达家庭大教堂。