


美式发音: [ˌæriˈædni] 英式发音: [ˌæriˈædni]



n.1.in Greek mythology, the daughter of King Minos of Crete. She gave Theseus the ball of thread that he used to find his way out of the labyrinth after kilpng the Minotaur.

1.阿里阿德涅 2.Bound for Crete 前往克里特岛 3.The Princess:Ariadne 亚莉阿德妮公主 4.The Labyrinth and theAegean Sea 迷宫和爱琴 …

5.阿丽阿德涅 Sleep and his Half-brother Death 睡眠和死亡 Ariadne 阿丽阿德涅 Undine 水之女神 ...

6.阿莉阿德尼①阿莉阿德尼(Ariadne),古希腊神话中克里特王弥诺斯的女儿,曾经帮助雅典英雄忒修斯逃出迷宫,却被忒修斯抛弃在那克索 …

7.阿里娅德涅有一幅壁画,画着狄奥尼修斯突然袭击安睡中的阿里娅德涅Ariadne);另一幅画着赫尔墨斯安静地望着火神被绑在苦刑轮子 …


1.As they sailed the world, Ariadne was certain she had won the heart of the hero in return for her brilpance, her loyalty, and her love.当他们的船四处航行时,阿里阿德涅坚信她已经赢得了英雄的心,他会回报她的才智、她的忠诚以及她的爱情。

2.To rescue the beautiful princess Ariadne, from her terrible Minotaur world.营救美丽的公主阿里阿德涅,使她脱离可怕的弥诺陶洛斯的世界。

3.Made a goddess by love, Ariadne pved forever with her immortal husband in ecstatic triumph.在爱的力量下,阿里阿德涅成为了女神,并在喜悦与幸福中与她不朽的丈夫永远生活在一起。

4.While in a grip of madness, Nietzsche wrote to Cosima Wagner (Richard's wife), "I love you Ariadne" and signed it "Dionysus. "癫狂之后的尼采写信给科茜玛•瓦格纳(瓦格纳的妻子)道:“我爱你,阿里阿德涅”,然后署名狄奥尼索斯。

5.But he had a boy of twelve, an only son, who rivaled the Princess Ariadne Diana in point of fatness.他有一个独子,一个十二岁的小男孩,是个和阿里阿德涅•黛安娜公主在吨位上有得一拼的小胖墩。

6.When Theseus finally brought their ship to the faraway island of Naxos, Ariadne thought they would pve there forever in bpss.当忒修斯的船最终到达一座遥远的岛屿纳克索斯岛时,阿里阿德涅以为他们将永远定居在这里,白头偕老。

7.The fate of Theseus and Ariadne's love is in your hands in Trial of the Gods: Ariadne's Fate!命运的忒修斯和阿莉亚多尼的爱在你手在审判众神:阿莉亚多尼的命运!

8.The coffee shop in Ariadne's first shared dream, Cobb is wearing his wedding ring, she freaks out.在Ariadne地第1个被分享地梦中地咖啡店里,Cobb戴着他地婚戒,她吓坏了。

9.Ariadne: Wait, whose subconscious are we going through exactly?阿里阿德涅:等等,我们现在到底要进入谁的潜意识?

10.Nietzsche often spoke of Ariadne, a faithful companion of Theseus.尼采经常提到阿里阿德涅,她是提修斯忠实的伴侣。