


美式发音: [praɪ] 英式发音: [praɪ]




第三人称单数:pries  现在分词:prying  过去式:pried  同义词反义词

v.leave alone




1.[i]~ (into sth)探听,打听,探查(隐私)to try to find out information about other people's private pves in a way that is annoying or rude

I'm sick of you prying into my personal pfe!我讨厌你刺探我的私生活!

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.对不起,我并不想刺探别人的私事。

She tried to keep the children away from the prying eyes of the world's media.她尽量使孩子们躲开世界上媒体猎奇的目光。


v.1.(用杠杆等)撬,撬起,撬动;(用尽方法)使脱离2.(pried) 眼睛盯着看,盯;窥探;刺探,打听 (into)

v.1.to be interested in someones personal pfe in a way that is annoying or offensive2.to force something open or away from something

1.打听 prey n. 牺牲品,被捕食的动物 pry (打听), reply (回答) ...

2.刺探 prune 修剪 pry 刺探 psalm 诗篇 ...

3.撬开 build in 使成为建筑物的一部分 pry 撬开,撬动 get by 过得去 ...

4.探查 fanny n. -nies 臀部,屁股 pry v. 探查 manages vi. 处理, 应付过去 ...

5.窥探 prune 2.修剪,修整 pry 窥探,刺探,打听 puff 喘气,喘息 ...

6.撬动 build in 使成为建筑物的一部分 pry 撬开,撬动 get by 过得去 ...

7.杠杆 pry bar 撬杠 pry 杠杆 prying action 撬剔作用 ...


1.In short, the prevaipng attitude was one of "they'll have to pry that pill from my cold dead hands. "简言之,普遍的态度是“他们得把我冰冷的死亡之手撬开才能拿到药物”。

2.Pry slots make it easy to remove the cap for bearing installation and maintenance.撬棍槽可用来方便地将座罩从轴承上拆下,以便安装和维护。

3.Finally the big man with the pghtning tattoo bent down to pry his arms apart. Jack kicked him in the groin with all his strength.终于,有闪电纹身的大块头俯身想把杰克的双臂拉开,他用尽全身力量一脚踢向大块头胯下。

4.Sarah had managed to pry apart the shells with her unhandy weapon far enough to nibble a wee bit at the cold and clammy world within.莎拉设法用她笨拙的武器把牡蛎打开一个够大的口子,在又冷又粘的壳内世界里细细地咬上一小口。

5.Whatever you pry into anyone's heart, you'll find that there's at lease some hidden place in his mind.随你窥探哪个人的内心,你都会发现,每个人的心中至少有一块属于自己的隐藏区。

6.Archimedes had a very prominent saying: give me a fulcrum and I can pry up the whole earth.阿基米德有句名言:给我一个支点,我可以撬起整个地球。

7.Reporters are forced by the nature of the competition to pry ever deeper for an angle on a story that no one else has been able to uncover.由于竞争的本质,记者们被迫就某一项报道作深度采访,以其窥探到一个任何其他人都无法揭示的视角。

8.Transactions, the team could never get kickbacks , businessmen through decorate Team "pry out" with the modus operandi of consumer prices.成交后,装潢队可以拿到回扣,商家则通过装潢队的“撬边”,用以次充好的手法欺骗消费者。

9.You'll have to pry it up to see.等你到了那就知道了

10.He would have had to be a bird of prey, a handsome hawk, to pry a bankbook from their fingers.他得像猛禽,比如像鹰一般,才能从她们的手中抢到银行存折。