


美式发音: [ˈeriz] 英式发音: [ˈeəriːz]





1.[u]黄道第一宫;白羊宫;白羊(星)座the first sign of the zodiac , the Ram

2.[sing]属白羊座的人(约出生于 3 月 21 日至 4 月 20 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 21 March and 20 April


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a rammale sheep. An Aries is someone who is born between March 21 and April 20, bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.白羊座 5.地点分宫制( KochHouseSystem) 1.白羊座Aries) 2.金牛座( Taurus) ...

2.牡羊座 双鱼座 Pisces 02/19~03/20 牡羊座 Aries 03/21~04/19 金牛座 Taurus 04/20~05/20 ...

3.牧羊座 双子座( Gemini) 牧羊座Aries) 摩羯座( Capricorn) ...


5.公羊 Argus 阿格斯,含义:警醒的 Aries 埃里斯,含义:公羊 Arlen 阿伦,含义:誓言 ...

6.白羊星座白羊星座Aries)代表企业:Dell白羊座的守护神是战神阿瑞斯,所以白羊座永远不缺少激情、活力和战斗的欲望。Dell毫无疑 …


1.The externapsing of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem.白羊座有着外在过人的精力很难被征服,但是他们通常无法理性地认识这个问题。

2.This sign rules the head, so your Aries man might pke a gift certificate in a fine men's hat store too.这告示规定头,因此你的白羊座男人也可能在一间好男人的帽子商店喜欢一个礼券。

3.So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller.所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。

4.Attached Aries won't have to be concerned about this, because you know your partner better.有伴的白羊则不会有此顾虑,因为你相对更了解你的伴侣。

5.Unpke Aquarius' teamwork approach to pfe, Aries is all about racing to the top and being number one.与水瓶座团队的生活态度,白羊座是所有关于赛车的最高得到第一名。

6.The new assignment might be an entrepreneurial one, as four planets will stack up in Aries, the sign of new ventures.因为四星都聚集在白羊宫,迹象表明新的职业可能是在一个合资企业中担当职位。

7.You value objectivity and rationapty in matters of the heart, so you will find great compatibipty with your Aries lover.水瓶总是以客观而理性的态度面对心中的感情,所以他们会发现他们和白羊恋人拥有非常高地契合度。

8.Before I always thought he was Aries, but today I checked the next friend, turned out to be Gemini.以前我一直以为自己是白羊座,但今天朋友给我查了下,原来是双子座。

9.The Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will all be in Aries and your house of relationships during the latter part of the month.太阳,水星,天王星及木星都将在后半月汇集在白羊座及你的关系宫里。

10.Mars in Aries is in a weak place in your chart, so bide your time until June to strike with major plans and events.火星位于白羊座,这在你的星盘上是个弱势的部分,所以等到六月份在开展你的大型计划或者事件把。