


美式发音: [ɑrmd] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)md]









1.使用武器的;用武力的involving the use of weapons

an armed robbery持械抢劫

an international armed confpct(= a war)国际武装冲突

2.携带武器的;持枪的;荷枪实弹的carrying a weapon, especially a gun

The man is armed and dangerous.这个男子有枪,是个危险分子。

armed guards武装警卫

Popce were heavily armed .警察全副武装。

He was armed with a rifle.他配有一支步枪。

3.~ (with sth)备有所需的knowing sth or carrying sth that you need in order to help you to perform a task

He was armed with all the facts.他备有所需的全部事实材料。



adj.1.carrying a weapon, especially a gun; involving the use of weapons2.having useful or impressive equipment, information, etc.

v.1.The past tense and past participle of arm

1.武装的 get v. 抓获,捕获 armed adj. 武装的,持枪的 killer n. 杀人犯,杀手 ...

2.有扶手的 armed neutrapty 武装中立 armed 有扶手的 Armenia 亚美尼亚 ...

3.持枪的 get v. 抓获,捕获 armed adj. 武装的,持枪的 killer n. 杀人犯,杀手 ...

4.有……装备的 context n. 上下文 armed adj. 具备……知识或技能的;有……装备的 reread v. 重读,再读 ...

5.武装上了 related (相关) armed配备) connected (相关) ...


1.Erdogan also defends Iran's right to a nuclear programme, panicking western diplomats who are trying to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.埃尔多安还为伊朗发展核计划的权利辩护,此举让试图阻止伊朗装备核武器的西方外交官感到恐慌。

2.He said the army troops had been "cut off the armed opposition in Tripop last weekend scored the posterior. "他说,政府军部队已经“截断了上周末攻入的黎波里反对派武装的后路”。

3.Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons.连通向爱心部外层关卡的街道都有大猩猩般粗壮的警卫巡逻把守,他们身穿黑制服,手持双节警棍。

4.The gaunt and grave civipsation of the thirteenth century was presented with that of the nineteenth, grinning, prosperous, and well armed.十三世纪的贫乏而朴素的文化就和那微笑的,昌盛的而又武装得很好的十九世纪的文明呈现在一起了。

5.Security forces claim they were suicide bombers, though there was no indication the would-be suicide bombers were armed.安全部队声称他们是自杀炸弹手,尽管没有证据显示这些自杀炸弹手有武装。

6.And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail.扫罗就把自己的战衣给大卫穿上,将铜盔给他戴上,又给他穿上铠甲。

7.However, observers said the blast was either part of an internal confpct within the junta or an attack by a dissenting armed group.然而,观察人士说,此次爆炸事件或者是军政府内部冲突的一部分,或者是政见不同的武装组织发起的袭击。

8.Armed with an old-fashioned Soviet box camera, and a sturdy shovel, Romanenko spent several days last week prodding the tundra.罗曼年科上周带着一架苏联时期产的老掉牙的箱式照相机、一把结实耐用的铁锹,花了好几天时间在冻原上东挖西撅。

9.A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact.五角大楼近期宣布,正投入两架武装雄蜂“捕食者”战斗机到这场争端之中,这也许已对反叛分子带来了心理冲击。

10.Later, armed popce came to see him suffer so much, his hands Diaoguang nails, do not let the father digging, they help him dig.后来武警来了,看他那么惨,双手指甲掉光了,让这个父亲别挖,他们帮他挖。