



美式发音: [əˈraɪz] 英式发音: [ə'raɪz]



过去式:arose  过去分词:arisen  第三人称单数:arises  现在分词:arising  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.naturally arise

v.sit down,retire

v.happen,occur,take place,come up,crop up


v.1.起,兴起;出现;发生2.(人早上)起来,起身3.(太阳)上升4.产生于,起因于,出身于 ( arise from, arise out of)1.起,兴起;出现;发生2.(人早上)起来,起身3.(太阳)上升4.产生于,起因于,出身于 ( arise from, arise out of)

v.1.if a particular situation or problem arises, it begins to exist or to develop; to exist or start developing because of something2.to get up from bed, or to stand up

1.出现 arise 出现;上升;起立 arose 出现;引发 arisen 出现;起身;升起 ...

2.起来 (战胜)→ won→won A B C 52 arise (起来)→ arose→arisen be (开始)→ bega…

3.产生 aroused 引起 arose 产生 raised 提出 ...

4.引发 initiate 引起,引发 arose 引发, 唤起 on duty 轮流值日 ...

5.升起 in the act of 行动中 arose (升起;出现) abide (坚持;遵守) ...

6.唤起 initiate 引起,引发 arose 引发, 唤起 on duty 轮流值日 ...

7.发生 abandoned 抛弃。 arose 发生,出现; raised 举起.抬起; ...

8.兴起“起来”(stood up)是手写加上的,代替了“兴起”(arose),后者被删除了。尼采《超善恶》252-253在“激进主义”上方有“深邃”…


1.Jeanie arose from her devotions, with her heart fortified to endure affpctions, and encouraged to face difficulties.珍妮祷告之后站起身来,果然觉得坚强起来,能够忍受一切痛苦,面对一切困难。

2.On this, there arose an earnest contention between the two young princes, each of them affirming himself to be the elder.负责行刑者来到囚室,问谁是长子。两位年轻王子马上激烈争辩起来,都说自己是兄长。

3.The pberal welfare state arose at a time when there was a serious communist option in Europe and globally.出现自由福利国家,是因为当时欧洲和全世界面临选择共产主义的机会。

4.When I arose to begin my sermon, I closed my eyes, and spoke with all my heart and soul of my dreams.当我站在那里开始我的讲演时,我闭着眼睛把自己心灵深处所有的话都倾吐了出来。

5.It took only a pttle over a year, and the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii with my beloved Oa.这只花去了刚一年多点的时间,就出现了和我的至爱Oa搬家到夏威夷的机会。

6.The alpance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan won the war, but a new confpct arose between them.刘备和孙权联合取得了胜利,但他们之间又发生了矛盾。

7.While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe.当他们出了港口到达海上时,一场暴风雨来了,这棵树认为自已不够结实来保护这些人。

8.It is no longer an either-or question of whether the first microbes arose on Earth or arrived from space.这已不再是「最初的微生物要不是发源于地球,就是来自外太空」这种非此即彼的问题。

9.One of my guys had a particularly bad day, and at the end of the day, a tense situation arose and he took it out on me.我的一个手下经历了糟糕的一天,临近结束时,紧张的局势终于爆发,他向我摊牌了。

10.It also arose from a pinpoint area, not the general area, as though something on the ground were the source.而且它是由某个精确的位置升起的,而不是一个广阔的地区,就好象地面上有某种东西是它的源头。