




1.北野正人 HOLIDAY INN NYC - MANHATTAN... 曼哈顿第六大道假日酒店 Kitano 北野酒店 MANHATTAN CLUB SUITES 曼哈顿套房 …

4.北野日本料理店 ... 喜多郎 Kitaro 喜多野 Kitano 喜多风 Kitakaze ...


1.The paper tries to unscramble Kitano's national and individual characteristics by means of sorting out his stories and the main works.本文通过对北野武人生经历、主要作品特点的梳理,力求在国民性和个性化之间解读北野武。

2.Kikujiro, the father of the Kitano family, is a strict, short tempered, yet daringly comical old-fashioned type of person.菊次郎的父亲北野家庭,是一个严格的,短期锻炼,但大胆滑稽的老式类型的人。

3.But the work that most conforms to "Violence Esthetics" is directed by Kitano Takeshi means that the maximum violence is variable.但是仔细分析,最符合“暴力美学”名号的,还是以北野武风格的作品―最大的暴力是无常。

4.Kitano and Sakamoto were both sentenced to two years and two months in jail.Kitano和Sakamoto二人被判两年零两个月监禁。

5.For this, he invited all lovers of the tea ceremony to the pine grove of Kitano in Kyoto.为此,他邀请所有的茶道爱好者到京都的北野松林聚会。

6.Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter.北野武,日本著名电影导演、演员、电视节目主持人。

7.As a famous Japanese director, Takeshi Kitano is well known in the world.作为日本著名导演,北野武在世界范围内广受关注。

8."I view child allowance as a tax break for people aged 35, " said Hajime Kitano, chief Japanese equity strategist at J. P. Morgan in Japan.摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)驻日本首席日股策略师HajimeKitano表示,我将育儿津贴看作是针对35岁人群的一种税收减免。