


美式发音: [ˈbrʊklɪn] 英式发音: [ˈbrukpn]





un.1.one of the five boroughs of New York City, located on the western tip of Long Island with Staten Island and Manhattan to the west and Queens to the north and east.

1.布鲁克林) 在 2008 年庆祝了125岁生日,在三座连接布鲁克林 (Brooklyn) 与曼哈顿 (Manhattan) 的大桥中,它是最古老的一座,在东 …


3.纽约布鲁克林纽约布鲁克林brooklyn)5大道52街康斗单房分租 广告代码: 81618341 发布时间: 2012-12-28,12:36:07 分类信息网oversea.ed…

4.纽约布鲁克林区位于纽约布鲁克林区Brooklyn)南端的康尼岛是一座历史长达120年的娱乐岛,也是纽约人周末度假的首选。每当夏季来临, …

5.布碌仑我:“我是住在布碌仑(Brooklyn)的,我不想白跑一趟。”鬼:“那我没办法了,我们是先到先得。”我:“那店里现在多人吗?”鬼:“ …


7.纽约市布碌仑住在纽约市布碌仑(Brooklyn)的黄安,用盆器种植果树已有14年的经验,在他狭小后院的露台上,现在摆有一盆石榴、一盆矮种 …


1.We returned to the States where he took charge of a settlement house in Brooklyn, New York.我们回到美国,我丈夫在纽约布鲁克林负责一个居民区的事务。

2.In the fall of 1865, Bowser gave an address in Brooklyn alluding to her infiltration of the Confederate White House during the war.1865年秋天,包泽给了一个位于布鲁克林的地址,暗示了战时,她渗透到了南方最高领导层。

3.She was sitting on her French Provincial bed in her small apartment in Brooklyn.此时她正坐在那过时的法国床上面。

4.It was the last of the three suspension bridges built across the lower East River, following the Brooklyn and the Wilpamsburg bridges.这是继布鲁克林大桥和威廉斯堡大桥后,驾凌于东河的三个吊桥的最后一座。

5.We worked in Bushwick, Brooklyn, far from the train, in an office whose tiny reception area had a door that opened onto a poured tar roof.我们在布鲁克林的布什威客工作,离火车很远的一间办公室,接待区很小,门开在涂满沥青的屋顶上。

6.My home is not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, and during the year and a half I was on crutches, it became a sort of symbol to me.我家就离布鲁克林大桥不远,我一年的时间里一直拄拐,它都成了我的一个标志。

7.Been a while since he'd been out this way. Back then it was to Riis Park and sunny days at the beach. When Brooklyn was at its best.一段时间以来他一直这样,回想着当时的里斯公园和沙滩上阳光明媚的日子,当布鲁克林在它最辉煌的时候。

8.until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.在我们在布鲁克林接他回家之前他无段再走出楼来。

9.There had been appearing in the papers about this time rumours and notices of an approaching strike on the trolley pnes in Brooklyn.大约就在这段时间里,报上不断出现有关布鲁克林有轨电车工人即将罢工的传闻和通告。

10.You want someone to keep in mind his mother's admonition about not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge just because all of his friends do.当所有人都在跳下布鲁克林大桥的时候,你要让一个人牢记妈妈的警告,让他不要跳。