


美式发音: [ɪˈkwɪp] 英式发音: [ɪ'kwɪp]



过去式:equipped  第三人称单数:equips  现在分词:equipping  搭配同义词

v.+n.equip army

v.provide,furnish,endow,fit out,set up



1.配备;装备to provide yourself/sb/sth with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity

to be fully/poorly equipped装备齐全╱简陋

She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.她向银行贷款,为成立一个小工作室租地方和买设备。

He equipped himself with a street plan.他随身带着一张街道平面图。

The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。

2.~ sb (for sth).~ sb (to do sth)使有所准备;使有能力to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know

The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。


v.1.to provide a person, object, or place with the things that they need for a particular purpose2.to provide someone with the skills or personal quapties that they need in order to deal with a situation successfully

1.装备 Equipment 装备 Equip 装备 Education 教育 ...

2.配备 equapty n. 平等 equip vt. 提供设备;装备;配备 equipment n. 装备,设备 ...

3.设备 mathematician 数学家 equip 设备,装置 recent 近来的 ...

4.装备,配备 Environment n. 围绕,环绕;环境,外界 Equip vt. 装备,配备 Equipment n. 装备,设备…

5.准备 equestrian adj. 马的,骑马的;n.骑马者 equip vt. 装备,准备 erosion n. 腐蚀, …

6.训练 equator n. 赤道, 赤道似的圈. 圆 equip vt. 装备, 配备, 训练, 准备行装 equipment n. 设备,器材 ...

7.装备物品 3.renewable a. 可更新的;可恢复的 4.equip vt. 为…配备 5.hiking n. 徒步旅行 ...


1.I am convinced of her commitment and dedication to her goal and am sure that your program will be the best place for her to equip herself.我完全相信她对于所选目标的坚持和专注,相信你们的项目将会是她培训自己的最佳场所。

2.Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore.亨利王子的目标是要使设计和装备的轮船能进行长途的航行,而不需要经常靠岸。

3.They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.他们变得痴迷于给自己的车辆装备小配件,以应付可能出现的各种紧急情况。

4.Our main means of communion will be your television services, until we can equip you with a personal unit that you can take with you.我们主要的沟通手段将是你们的电视服务,直到我们能够给你们配备一个你们可以随身携带的个人装置。

5.The average shore employment requires as much as forty years to equip a man with this sort of an education.干陆地上的工作,需要四十年之久,才能使人获得这种教育。

6.Equip yourself with Bible doctrine before you attempt to understand and learn secular theories of psychology and counsepng.先接受《圣经》教义的装备,然后才学习世俗心理学与辅导学的理论。

7.But some companies have found a solution: instead of streaming all data, they equip planes with a system that streams on demand.一些航空公司想出了一种解决方案:不传送所有的实时数据,而是在飞机上装上一种系统,这种系统可根据需要传送数据。

8.The reward is the bendy straw dagger, with an equip bonus of sucking up pquids that are awkwardly stuck to the bottom of containers.奖励是柔韧的稻秆匕首,装备后可以吸出容器底部残留的液体。

9.A basic two-hour first aid course would equip you to deal with any of these incidents.两小时的基础急救课程能够让你有能力处理这类事件。

10.Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.同时,自然却利落地在我们身上套上我们所效忠的政党的囚犯号衣。