




1.主帅温格 朗·格连活 Ron Greenwood 阿尔塞纳·温格 Arsene Wenger 丹尼斯·博格坎普 Dennis Bergkamp ...

7.云格 ... 云拿保斯 Terry Venables 云格 Arsene Wenger 比赛结束后交换球衣 swapped shirts at the end of the gam…

8.领队温格在领队温格 (Arsene Wenger)的出色领导下,球队在伤兵众多时仍能转败为胜,更每每能在劣势中反败为胜,以其气势及球队实 …


1.I could try to call Arsene Wenger to see if they've done a deal without me, but I can't imagine that would happen.我可能会试试给温格打电话,看看是否他们在没有我的情况之下达成协议,但是我无法想象这可能发生。

2.Later Arsene Wenger called me to ask if I was available, and I said 'let me talk to my wife' - now I am here.随后温格给我打电话,问我是否还可以打比赛,我说‘让我和我老婆商量一下’,现在我就来这里了。

3.Meanwhile, Arsene Wenger told me that he was looking for a midfielder to replace Vieira, that I had the same profile and that I would play.同时,阿尔塞纳·温格对我说他在寻找一名中场球员取代维埃拉,我的身形与他很相似,我也踢同一个位置。

4.The young Dutchman says that he needs a more ruthless streak in his finishing to force his way into Arsene Wenger's thinking.这位年轻的荷兰人说他需要在射门上更加的有侵略性才能让自己在阿森温格的阵容中杀出一条路来。

5.Alexander HLEB is impressed by Liverpool's summer signings - but is out to prove Arsene Wenger was right to have faith in his young squad.亚历山大·赫莱布被传出在利物浦的夏天引援名单中,可是最后被证明,阿瑟·温格还是相当信任这名年轻的中场球员的。

6.But boss Arsene Wenger is ready to recall the winger, having failed to convince Real to make the move permanent.但是老板阿瑟-温格准备重新招回这位边锋,皇马已经对于这位边锋永久转会不感兴趣。

7.ARSENE WENGER has still not found a stand-in keeper to replace injured Manuel Almunia with the Community Shield against Chelsea looming.与切尔西的慈善盾杯迫在眉睫,而温格还没有找到一名门将来代替受伤的阿尔穆尼亚。

8.Arsenal are prepared to break their transfer record in January to ensure that Arsene Wenger can keep pace with Manchester United.阿森纳正准备在一月份打破他们的转会记录以确保温格能同曼联并驾齐驱。

9.Apadiere out to ko Arsenal JEREMIE ALIADIERE has vowed to prove Arsene Wenger wrong after finally escaping from his Arsenal hell.阿里亚迭雷发誓要证明温格的错误,他最终逃离了他在阿森纳地狱般的日子。

10."I still have a contract with two years left on it and the boss (Arsene Wenger) wants me to stay, " said the towering centre-back.“我与俱乐部仍然有两年的合同,球队主教练(温格)也希望留下来,”这位高大的中后卫说。