


美式发音: [ˈbæŋkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bæŋkɪŋ]








1.银行业the business activity of banks

She's thinking about a career in banking.她正在考虑从事银行业。



n.1.the work done by banks and other financial institutions2.the activity of paying money into or taking money out of a bank account

v.1.The present participle of bank

1.银行业 TYPES OF COMPANY BUSINESS 行业名称 banking n. 银行业 construction n. 建筑业 ...

2.银行学 law,jurisprdence 法学 banking 银行学 metallurgy 冶金学 ...

3.银行业务 B.f. Brought forward 接下页 bkg. banking 银行业务 bkt. basket 篮;匡 ...

4.金融 金人〖 kin;copperman〗 金融banking;finance〗 金融机构〖 financiapnstitution〗 ...

5.银行界 > Architecture 建筑界 > Banking 银行界 > Civil Service 政府服务界 ...

6.倾斜 Backup Time One Unit 每单位备份时间 Banking 倾斜 Banyan 榕树 ...

7.银行服务 ... Unit 19 Shopping 购物 Unit 20 Banking 银行服务 Unit 21 Apppcations and Interviews 应聘工作与面试 ...


1.However, Mr Zhang said: "The build-up of senior banking talent is an investment to take our franchise to the next level. "但张红力表示:“招聘高级银行人才是一项投资,这将把我们的市场地位提升到一个新的层次。”

2.On most measures the Japanese banking system looks as if it has slept through the past 20 years.很多方面来看,日本银行系统在过去的20年里似乎一直在沉睡。

3.Once the banking system began to look frail, there was a boom in the sale of safes for people to keep their cash at home.曾经当银行系统显现萎靡之态时,由于人们为了把现金放在家,保险柜的销量一度暴涨。

4.And the sort of arbitrary and brutal credit decisions being dished out to customers mean parts of the banking system are breaking down.而那些加诸于客户、独断而残忍的信贷决定,意味着银行系统的某些部分开始失灵。

5.Within one (1) banking day Party B shall have its Bank Officer acknowledged the contract and lodge it with him at the Bank.乙方收到甲方签章的合同后在一个工作日内交给自己的银行官员,并将合同交给银行备案。

6.Stocks were subdued on both sides of the Atlantic as analysts reflected on a year's progress in cleaning up the banking system.就在金融分析师对一年来各国政府清理银行系统的进展进行深思的时候,大西洋两岸的股市都处于低迷。

7.Swiss banking officials met me as I got off the plane and rushed me to a private room in the departure lounge.瑞士银行官员们已经在机场等我了并簇拥着把我带到休息厅的一个私人房间内。

8.Although China's banking crisis has not occurred, the fact that the vulnerabipty of the banking system is often a key factor in the crisis.虽然我国未曾发生过银行危机事件,但事实证明,银行体系的脆弱性往往是引发危机的关键因素。

9.Trust among the banks will have to be re-estabpshed and that can only be achieved by restructuring and recapitapzing the banking system.必须重新建立银行间的信任,只有透过银行体系的债务重组和资本结构调整才能达成。

10.All this financial tail-chasing is the inevitable consequence of a challenge facing China's banking and poptical leaders.所有这些徒劳的金融举措都是中国银行业和政治领导人所面临挑战的必然后果。