


美式发音: [fjuːmz] 英式发音: [fjuːmz]





1.(浓烈的或有害的)烟,气,汽smoke, gas, or sth similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in

diesel/petrol/exhaust fumes强烈的柴油味╱汽油味╱废气

to be overcome by smoke and fumes被浓烟熏倒

Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze.从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。

The body of a man was found in a fume-filled car yesterday.昨天在一辆烟雾弥漫的汽车中发现了一具男尸。


n.1.smoke or gas that has an unpleasant smell, especially harmful smoke or gas

1.烟雾 35 、烟气( fume ) 36 、烟雾fumes ) 37 、气体净化器( gas-purifier ) ...

2.废气 pollutant 污染物 fumes (有毒)废气 waste 废物 ...

3.烟气 fumehood 排风柜 fumes 烟气 gas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采 …

4.燻烟 ... ·空气质量名词术语20-飞灰 fly ash ·空气质量名词术语23-臭气 fumes ·空气质量名词术语21- …

6.气体 ... lead 铅 fumes 气味,气体 household 家庭的 ...

7.毒气 fume 冒险;愤怒 fumes 毒气 funding 资金 ...


1.It was the kind of car that made you feel dirty pke exhaust fumes, pke you needed a shower after driving around in it.这是什么样的车,使你感觉像肮脏的尾气一样,你需要一个淋浴后,驾驶转转。

2.And urban pberals don't understand how much guns matter to rural white men, fumes Dave "Mudcat" Saunders, a Democratic strategist.城市里的自由主义者不能理解枪支对农村白色男人的重要性,民主党战略家大卫•桑德斯恼怒。

3.Will the oil and petrol fumes released into the air over the Gulf accumulate to the degree that such a firestorm might occur today?这种释放进入海湾上空空气中的油类和汽油气体会聚集到某种的程度,以至于今日也可能这种发生火暴吗?

4.As the traffic begins to move, fumes can be reduced in just a few seconds.当车辆开动的时候,汽车尾气在几秒内就会减少。

5.Princess went in the back door. By the time she had unbuckled the child, she was faint from the fumes.公主进入后门。当她已经解开孩子的时候,从臭气她是微弱的。

6.Great! It was the first thing I said when I saw the Tungurahua full of snow at its top and a fumes out of its crater.太好了!这是我一看到通古拉瓦火山覆满雪而火山口冒出烟时说的话。

7.Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone.温热的海绵浴将满足人们的需要。同时,尽管人们居住地的空气不是时时都芬香,但再也没有机动车排出的废气。

8.Even above the fumes from the pressed grapes he could smell that she had been drinking.皮尔斯即使透过榨过的葡萄的味道也能闻得出来,她喝多了。

9.The wind carries the smell of diesel fumes and the shouts of workers loading fresh tuna into an ice-filled truck further down the quay.随风飘来柴油燃烧的气味和人们在往盛满冰块的卡车上装载新鲜的金枪鱼的呼喊声。

10.We are heading through the Indus Valley and, after the stench and fumes of Karachi, it is all the more beautiful.我们行进在印度河峡谷中(IndusValley),在经历了卡拉奇恶臭的空气之后,更觉这里的景色宜人。