





5.小阿 Tornado 龙卷风 Arthas 小阿 Antonidas 安东尼达斯 ...


8.圣骑士 丛林守护者 Cenarius 圣骑士 Arthas 格鲁母.地域咆哮 Grom ...


1.After defeating him in a duel, Arthas commanded him to leave Azeroth and never return.打败了伊利丹,阿萨斯命令他离开艾泽拉斯,永遥不许回来魔神战记。

2.Uther the Lightbringer: I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas.乌瑟尔。光明使者:我会在地狱里留个专门的位置等着你,阿尔塞斯。

3.Arthas: As if I could forget. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plague you should know. . .阿尔赛斯:好象我可以忘记了。听着,乌瑟尔,关于这场瘟疫由几件事情你还不知道…

4.Arthas: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you. . . get out of my sight!阿尔赛斯:结束了!那些还希望拯救这片大陆的人们,跟着我!剩下的人…从我眼前消失!

5.At the young age of 19, Arthas fulfilled the hopes of his father and was accepted into the Knight Order of the Silver Hand.在阿尔萨斯19岁那年,他根据爸爸的意愿插手了银子之手骑士团。圣骑士乌瑟尔·光明使者成为他的老师。

6.Arthas: Look, I did the best I could, Uther! If I'd had a legion of knights riding at my back, I would've. . .阿尔塞斯:看吧,乌瑟尔,我尽了我的全力!如果我能有一支骑士队做支持,那么我将会…

7.Arthas: This must be the shrine that the old man spoke of. Any man who drinks from these Light-blessed waters will be healed.阿尔塞斯:这一定是那个老人所说的圣泉。只要喝了这些带有圣光的泉水都能恢复健康。

8.Arthas: This has got to be a joke! What happens to us now?阿尔塞斯:开什么玩笑!这下我们怎么办?

9.I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas.我深深地希望地狱为你留著了一个特别的位置,阿萨斯。

10.My son. . . the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name. . . "Arthas" . . .我的儿子…你出生的那天,整个洛丹伦的森林里都在低语着这个名字…“阿尔萨斯”…