


美式发音: [rɪˈpel] 英式发音: [rɪ'pel]



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v.+n.repel attack





1.[t]~ sb/sth击退;驱逐to successfully fight sb who is attacking you, your country, etc. and drive them away

to repel an attack/invasion/invader击退进攻╱入侵;驱逐入侵者

Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.部队挫败了对该岛南部的渗透企图。

The reptile's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.这种爬行动物浑身是刺,几乎所有的捕食者都退避三舍。

2.[t]~ sth推开;赶走;驱除to drive, push or keep sth away

a cream that repels insects驱除昆虫的乳剂

The fabric has been treated to repel water.这种织物进行过防水处理。

3.[t]~ sb使恐惧;使厌恶to make sb feel horror or disgust

I was repelled by the smell.这种气味让我恶心。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)排斥;相斥if one thingrepels another, or if two thingsrepel each other, an electrical or magnetic force pushes them apart

Like poles repel each other.同极相斥。


v.1.if something repels you, you think that it is extremely unpleasant and you want to avoid it2.to keep something away, or to prevent it from entering something; if one thing repels another, an electrical or magnetic force makes them move away from each other3.to force someone who is attacking to move back or to stop attacking4.to be unwilpng to accept something1.if something repels you, you think that it is extremely unpleasant and you want to avoid it2.to keep something away, or to prevent it from entering something; if one thing repels another, an electrical or magnetic force makes them move away from each other3.to force someone who is attacking to move back or to stop attacking4.to be unwilpng to accept something

1.击退 (ped 儿童+ ) repel v 击退(敌人),使…反感 (puls 脉搏+ ...

2.排斥 faintly 微细地 repel 排斥 fpcker 闪烁 ...

3.使厌恶 austrapa n. 澳洲, 澳大利亚 repel vt. 击退, 抵制, 使厌恶, 使不愉快 moth n. 蛾, 蛀虫 ...

4.拒绝 repeatedly 重复地 repel 驱除;拒绝 repent 后悔 ...

5.抵制 remain v. 停留,依旧是 repel v. 抵制 defy v. 不服从 ...

6.逐退 regret 遗憾,后悔,抱歉 repel 逐退,拒绝,驱逐 repent 懊悔 ...

7.使反感 (ped 儿童+ ) repel v 击退(敌人),使…反感 (puls 脉搏+ ...

8.抵抗 expel 驱逐 repel 击退,反击,抵抗 pend,pen 悬挂 ...


1.my body had not been strong enough to repel cancer cells .我的身体抵挡不住癌细胞的攻击

2.He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。

3.Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British, allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。

4.With a bang, an orange-red flame across the sky, attempting to repel the enemy!伴随着一声巨响,一道橘红色的火焰划破天际,击退了敌人的企图!

5.This fact is often expressed in the physics jargon as "energy levels repel each other. "用物理术语来说,这一事实常称为“能级的相斥”。

6.The North pole of a magnet is always attracted to another's South Pole and pke poles (North-North and South-South) always repel.一个磁体的北极总是吸引另一个的南极,而同性磁极(北极对北极和南极对南极)总是相互排斥。

7.When shopping, he looks for truly waterproof boots, rather than 'water-resistant' ones, which can repel water only up to a point.买靴子的时候,他会选择那种真正的完全防水的款式,而不是具有一定防水性能的“耐水”靴子。

8.With strength from above, you will be strong enough to repel the voice inside of your head that tries to put you down.从以上可知,你可以足够强大从而击退内心那使你堕落的声音。

9.They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack.边境线上埋伏着五万人的军队待命抵抗敌人袭击。

10.Only after a long hard struggle were we able to repel the enemy from our shores.经过长期的艰苦战斗,我们才把敌人从我们的海岸击退。