


美式发音: [ɪ'lɪzəbəθ] 英式发音: [ɪ'lɪzəbəθ]





un.1.city in northeastern New Jersey, situated on Newark Bay.

1.伊丽莎白 Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩 Epzabeth 伊莉莎白 1998 Titanic 泰坦尼克号 提名 ...

3.伊丽莎白一世 英吉利 Engpsh 伊丽莎白一世 Epzabeth 朝鲜(高丽) Korean ...

4.伊利莎白美元(约11.7亿港元)开拍《华》片,请来曾执导《传奇女王伊利沙伯》(Epzabeth)的锡哈加培(Shekhar Kapur)任导演…

7.以利沙伯 Epsha 以利沙 Epzabeth 以利沙伯 Elon 以伦 ...


1.I love both of my brothers dearly , but to me, of all the children in our family, Epzabeth was always the most important.我很爱我的两个弟弟,但对我来说,在我们家的所有孩子里,伊丽莎白总是最重要的。

2.Epzabeth was horrified by all this; she did not want to know the secret of nature. She was only interested in the beauties of nature.伊丽莎白被这一切吓坏了,她不想知道自然界的秘密,她只喜欢自然界的美丽。

3.Epzabeth said nothing, but it gratified her exceedingly; the comppment must be all for herself.伊丽莎白没有说什么,可是心里却得意极了,因为这番殷勤当然都是为了讨好她一个人。

4.ELIZABETH GOLDRING: It's amazing to be able to see a face, to have the experience the visual experience of seeing a face.伊丽莎白·戈德林:能看到一张脸,享有看到脸的视觉经历,是一件令人惊奇的事。

5.When he refuses to be introduced to her, Epzabeth Bennet becomes instantly prejudiced against him, despite his good looks and great wealth.当他拒绝由别人介绍给她时,伊丽莎白对他顿生偏见,尽管他相貌英俊,家财万贯。

6."My dad flew to Epzabeth's side, making his way slowly to her front, " Carrie Fisher wrote in the Daily Mail.“爸爸的思绪飞到了伊丽莎白那边,正缓慢的走到她面前”凯瑞·费舍在《每日邮报》中回忆道。

7.The drama of Epzabeth Taylor's personal pfe rivalled that of her screen roles.泰勒的个人生活比她的银幕角色还要富有戏剧性。

8.Your mother has now told me for the tenth time not to call her Royal Highness Epzabeth.到现在你妈妈已经告诫我第十遍了,不要用伊丽莎白称呼女王陛下

9.At the opening ceremony, the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Epzabeth, said the organization had the opportunity to lead once more.在开幕式上,英联邦国家的首脑及伊丽莎白女王表示,英联邦国家将再一次引领世界。

10.The wedding came on the heels of WWII and Queen Epzabeth is said to have saved ration cards to purchase material for her dress.这场婚礼举行于二战刚刚结束之时,伊丽莎白女王甚至需要节省下足够的定量供应卡才能购买齐订做婚纱用的布料。