

artificial respiration

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n.mouth-to-mouth,kiss of pfe,resuscitation,cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR



1.人工呼吸the process of helping a person who has stopped breathing begin to breathe again, usually by blowing into their mouth or nose


n.1.the process of forcing air into the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing by blowing into their mouth or nose in order to make them start breathing again

1.人工呼吸 Articular cartilage 关节软骨 Artificial respiration 人工呼吸 Asbestos 石棉 ...

2.人工呼吸急救法 shuttle 羽毛球 artificial respiration 人工呼吸 人工呼吸急救法 shuttlecock 羽毛球 ...

3.人工呼吸设备 人工呼吸设备 artificial respiration 1001 外科手术用锯 saws for surgical purposes 1001 ...

4.人工呼吸机 a member of the rupng miptary council: 埃及军事委员会成员 artificial respiration人工呼吸机 in a coma: 陷入昏迷 ...

5.人工呼吸法 artificial kidney 人工肾脏 artificial respiration 人工呼吸法 artificial tears 人造泪液 ...

6.是人工呼吸 ... 5.Armed Robbery 是武装抢劫 6.Artificial Respiration 是人工呼吸 7.Average Revenue 是平均收 …

7.人工呼吸器 ... 6全天候记号蜡笔 Paint Stick 7人工呼吸器(抽样水器) Artificial Respiration 8腐蹄病治疗鞋 Cow,Horse,Sheep Boots ...

8.人工呼吸术图13-28 胸外心脏按压方式 (六)人工呼吸术artificial respiration) 人工呼吸术用于抢救已经停止自主呼吸的病 人,是用人 …


1.ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus.氧气治疗器、喷雾治疗器、人工呼吸器及其他治疗用呼吸器具。

2.People suffering from lack of oxygen should be moved to fresh air. If the victim is not breathing, administer artificial respiration.必须把缺氧的人转移到有新鲜空气的地方。如果受害者停止了呼吸,进行人工呼吸。

3.With the help of artificial respiration his mother soon brought the boy to.他母亲用人工呼吸很快使那男孩苏醒过来了。

4.Artificial respiration: Breathing induced by any of several techniques in a person who has stopped or is having difficulty breathing.人工呼吸:在自然停止或呼吸困难时,用某种手法诱导呼吸的医疗操作。

5.Sustained attack state to give oxygen, respiratory failure to recover after seizures should be artificial respiration.持续发作状态要给予吸氧,抽搐后呼吸未能及时恢复应作人工呼吸。

6.Second, check if there is no written breathing, breathing, immediately take artificial respiration.第二,检查该人呼吸,如没有呼吸,则立刻采取人工呼吸。

7.Third, check if there is no written breathing, breathing, immediately take artificial respiration.第三,检查该人呼吸,如没有呼吸,则立刻采取人工呼吸。

8.Third, the person's head slowly towards the person, check up after breathing, if not breathing, immediately take artificial respiration.第三,把该人的脑袋缓缓朝后仰起,检查该人呼吸,如没有呼吸,则立刻采取人工呼吸。

9.Take patient into the fresh air. Perform artificial respiration. Seek medical attention promptly.将患者移至空气清新处,严重者可进行人工呼吸然后接受医生治疗。

10.so that the injured first exposure to the head, to keep breathing smooth and, if asphyxia, artificial respiration immediately.使伤者先暴露头部,保持呼吸顺畅,如果窒息,立即进行人工呼吸。