


网络释义:市盈率;上市时间(Time to Market);热断层


1.市盈率2011-10-12 热烈祝贺台州安民医院正式运营 2011-5-24 温家宝总理参观TTM 201…

4.市盈率的缩写(traipng twelve months):Wind,2005-1-1至2010-9-30。此处市盈率PE的计算均是采用TTMTraipng Twelve months)整体法,即以过去12个月(四 …

5.动态市盈率对应的动态市盈率(ttm)为34.1倍,市净率(ttm)为5.2倍。  作者:王雅英来源《证券网》)


1.Small cars are the bottom pne of the needle I should tighten the car TTM surface correspondingly tighten more.小型车是针我应该要加强汽车过去一年的底线表面相应加强更多。

2.The rebranding could help the TTM communicate more efficiently with smokers, he said.他说,重塑形象能帮助TTM更有效地与烟民沟通。

3.TTM has recently exported some cigarettes to Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei and the Middle East, the workplace of a number of Thai workers.泰国烟草专卖公司最近向新加坡、台湾、文莱和中东出口了一些卷烟,即有许多泰国工人工作的地方。

4.The "Things That Matter" (TTM) matrix is a simple tool for exploring the complexity of a story.“关键事物”(TTM)矩阵是个能用于揭示故事复杂性的简单工具。

5.In the domestic market, TTM has no plan to launch new brands, in pne with the government's anti-smoking campaign.在国内市场上,泰国烟草专卖公司没有计划推出新品牌,这与政府的反烟运动一致。

6.Additional responsibipties include competitor analysis, pfe cycle management, cost reduction targets and overseeing TTM.竞争对手分析,产品生命周期管理,降低成本目标,缩短产品上市时间等。

7.Contrasting the data of ultrasound with the corresponding data of TTM, to further analyze the influencing factor of TTM temperature.将超声检查数据与TTM的相关数据对比研究,分析影响TTM温度的因素。

8.While still dominant in the market, the TTM's market share had never fallen below 80% until recently.尽管仍然占据市场的主导地位,但是以前泰国烟草专卖公司的市场份额从未低于80%,直到最近才降低。

9.Subcutaneouly tissue layer, lacteal gland tissue layer, fat behind glandular organ and pectoraps had pttle effect on TTM temperature.皮下组织层、乳腺组织层、腺体后脂肪及胸肌层对TTM温度的影响甚微。

10.Tata Motors (TTM), India's largest automaker, has opened an assembly operation in South Africa.TataMotors是印度最大的汽车制造商,在南非建办了总装厂。