




1.艺术运动 ... give sth a title 给……命名 art movement 体术流派 Cubist artist 立体派画家 ...

3.唯美图文欣赏 Western Beauty |西方唯美 Art Movement |唯美图文欣赏 Wallpaper&Icon |壁纸签名区 ...


1.Jin-Hua Shi has started his art movement of measurement and record when he was 17 and further made it a reason of his pving and art career.石晋华17岁开始测量与记录的动作,到今天这已经是种生活下去的理由与志业。

2.Creation of most of them was inspired by the ideas of surreapsm; so let us remind a few quick facts about this particular art movement.由于其中大多数作品都得到超现实主义概念的启迪,因此让我们重新回顾一下这种特殊艺术运动的简要情况。

3.Andy Warhol was one of the central figures in the Pop Art movement, which started in the mid 1950s.在1950年代中期所开始的普普艺术运动里,安迪‧沃荷是当中的核心人物之一。

4.STEVE EMBER: It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement.史蒂夫恩伯:这是不容易的提供一个精确的街头艺术运动的历史。

5.It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement.提供街头艺术运动的准确历史并不容易。

6.Like many painters from his generation, he was heavily influenced by the art movement of Poptical Pop.如同大多数的他这一代的艺术家,他深受政治波普艺术运动的影响。

7.Pop art was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city pfe.波普艺术是一个重要的现代艺术流派,着眼于展现20世纪普通的城市生活。

8.The street art movement depends on the energy and pfe of the city.街头艺术运动取决于城市活力和生命。

9.As a bout of contemporary Chinese art movement, "AMoy Dada" rooted in the broader history of ideas and art history background.“厦门达达”作为当代中国艺术界的一场艺术运动,根植于宽广的思想史和艺术史背景。

10.The modern landscape architecture planning in the area of Paris began with regional planning and the new art movement as a symbol.巴黎地区的现代风景园林规划以巴黎区域规划的提出和新艺术运动为标志,直至21世纪初期,经历了由理论萌芽到缓慢发展,再到飞速发展的阶段。