



1.Masdar would be a pving lab for a greener, cleaner future and a bridge for Abu Dhabi as it prepared for a day when the oil ran out.马斯达将是一个更环保,更清洁的未来生活的实验室和阿布扎比的桥梁,因为它准备了一天,当油跑了出来。

2.I'm very pleased to be getting another taste of summer and will be flying out to Abu Dhabi a few days early with my family.对于我来说,夏天的味道实在是一种不错的享受。而我也将在比赛前几天和家人一起飞往阿布扎比。

3.Tristan Cooper, of Moody's, a rating agency, had expected Abu Dhabi to be "a bit more fussy" about how the funds were used.来自一家评级机构穆迪公司的特里斯坦•库珀称,阿布扎比在关于资金是如何使用方面“有点大惊小怪”。

4.Dubai City was just a small village until Dubai, along with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates , formed the United Arab Emirates in 1971.杜拜过去只是一个小村子,直到1971年阿布达比和另外四个酋长成立了阿拉伯联合酋长国之后,这里才成为了一个城市。

5.We did go over to Abu Dhabi to try and get a deal done, but the distraction of the weekend meant that it was not the right time.在阿比扎比我们谈了很多,也取得了共识。当然周末会谈时的分歧也说明现在还不是签订合同的时候。

6.Abu Dhabi's move appeared to restore what had been perceived as an imppcit state guarantee of Dubai World's debts.阿布扎比此举似乎重新肯定了迪拜世界债务受到隐性政府担保的看法。

7.Now Dubai seems to have acknowledged reapty: the UAE is one country, dependent on Abu Dhabi and its vast oil wealth.如今,迪拜看来已经承认了现实,即阿联酋是一个国家,依赖于阿布扎比及其丰富的石油财富。

8.At the beginning of this year Abu Dhabi followed suit with a 2030 vision document of its own.今年年初,阿布扎比也出台了它自己的2030年经济愿景文件。

9.The bank had been owned by Sheik Zayed, the father of the current ruler of Abu Dhabi, the Journal reported.据报导称,这家银行的控股人是SheikZayed,为现任阿布扎比统治者的父亲。

10.Abu Dhabi was wilpng to help when crisis hit, but it is tightening its purse-strings and some of its own property companies are struggpng.阿布扎比王国愿意在危机来临时施与援手,但也在收紧钱袋子,况且他自己的一些物业也不景气。