




1.在北京 2. 在上海 in Shanghai 3. 在北京 in Beijing 4. 玩电子游戏 play computer games ...

2.去了北京 the ticket for tomorrow 明天的票 in Beijing 去了北京 from Beijing 不在北京 ...

3.相会在北京 ... 电邮:/ E-MAIL: 北京办事处 In Beijing 在中国 In China ...

5.北京方面 ... 8. 在经济方面, in aggregate, 10. 北京方面In Beijing, 12. 华尔街方面, In London, ...

6.相聚在北京 ... 培训开会 Training Meetings 相聚在北京 In Beijing 相聚在黄山 In Huangsha…

7.我是在北京输的血 实际上这些人承受的是民族的灾难。 This is a disaster for all 我是在北京输的血In Beijing, ...



1.A 15-year-old from Topeka, Kansas, told CNN on Monday that she was quarantined in Beijing for a week.一位来自堪萨斯州托皮卡的15岁女生周一告诉CNN说,她在北京被隔离1周。

2.The 50 Chery hybrid electric vehicles that have been put into operation in Beijing for a week are reaping praise from cabbies.奇瑞公司推出的50辆油电混合出租车已在北京投入运营一周。

3.The president said he sees the U. S. athletes as ambassadors of pberty, who will represent America's love for freedom in Beijing.布什总统说,在他看来,美国运动员实际上是自由的使者,他们在北京奥运会期间所代表的,是美国人民对自由的热爱。

4.A Nissan spokesman in Beijing said the company was still trying to confirm the details of China's incentive program.日产汽车驻北京发言人说公司仍在努力确定中国刺激计划的细节。

5.As nearly half a century passed, Chinese repaid him in a similar way: Basu was invited to get treatment in Beijing.将近半个世纪过去了,中国以相同的方式回报他:中国政府邀请巴苏来北京治病。

6.Zhou Xiaochuan, the PBoC governor, speaking at conference in Beijing, said the move to a tighter popcy would be taken gradually.中国央行行长周小川在北京召开的一次会议上表示,向“从紧”货币政策的转变将是一个渐进过程。

7.The sanitary conditions of toilets in Beijing subway station has always been a trial to local citizens.北京地铁公厕的卫生问题一直是市民的一大心病。

8.Now we'll take a look at what the children are up to at a camp held by the Chinese Mountaineering Association in Beijing.现在将去看看由中国登山协会在北京举办的夏令营中,孩子们正在干什么。

9."Obviously, anything the North is doing in the area of nuclear development is of concern to us, " he said after meetings in Beijing.“当然,我们很关心朝鲜在核开发领域所做的任何事情。”北京会议之后他这样说道。

10.Lin brought only two suitcases with him to his World Bank job, leaving the furniture in Beijing.林毅夫只带了两个箱子去世界银行赴任,把家具都留在了北京。