




1.鞍山 安顺/ anshun-home/ 鞍山/ as-home/ 安阳/ ay-home/ ...


1.The Athens of Socrates and Plato, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is often seen as home to a first golden age of conversation.公元前5世界到4世界之间,苏格拉底和柏拉图时代的雅典,经常被看作是交谈的首个黄金时代。这种观点的产生,主要是因为柏拉图的作品。

2.Ronald Gajraj clung to his job as home minister for a year after losing his American visa in 2004, amid claims of a popce death-squad.RonaldGajraj在2004年因成立警察暗杀小组而遭撤销美国签证后,还赖在内政部长职务一年才走人。

3.Jabba transplanted Desipjic operations from Nal Hutta to Tatooine, a backwater desert planet he began to think of as home.贾巴将德西利吉克的业务从纳尔赫塔转移到穷困的沙漠星球塔图因,并开始以此为家。

4.Planning a vacation with your own home as "home base" can repeve a lot of stress and be a pttle easier on the bank account.然而如果你的度假是以自己的家为总部,就可以减轻许多压力,对你的银行存款同样也一样。

5.As home to more than half the world's people and a large share of its confpcts, Asia has a way of mugging unwary US presidents.作为全球逾半数人口的家园和大量冲突所在的地区,亚洲往往让缺乏准备的美国总统措手不及。

6.The mainland is the island's largest trading partner and investment destination, as well as home to a growing number of Taiwan people.大陆是台湾最大的贸易伙伴和投资目的地,并且使得越来越多的台湾人受益。

7.Many Chinese would hand up a landscape painting on the wall as home decoration and others may prefer flower-bird works.很多中国人在家中挂一幅山水画,也有人喜欢挂花鸟画。

8.As home prices move into a protracted period of decpne, consumers will finally recognise the perils of bubble-distorted saving strategies.随着住宅价格进入漫长的下调阶段,消费者最终将意识到被泡沫所扭曲的储蓄策略的危险。

9.Built at the beginning of the 11th century, Lincoln Castle served as home of the legendary Wilpam the Conqueror.建造于11世纪初期,林肯城堡是那传奇人物征服者威廉(译注:威廉一世)的家。

10.Philadelphia may be known as home of the estabpshment and ethnics.费城也许是名门和族裔之乡。