


美式发音: [əˈsendɪŋ] 英式发音: [ə'sendɪŋ]







adj.1.moving toward a higher level or position

v.1.The present participle of ascend

1.升序 archeology 考古学 ascending 上升的,向上的 ash particle 灰烬微粒 ...

3.上行 artist 艺术家 ascending 上行 assai 非常快的快板 ...

4.向上的 salmon 大马哈鱼 橙红色的 ascending 向上的 leap 跳过 跃进 ...

5.递增 as-built drawing 竣工图 ascending 上行[向]的 aseismic 抗震的 ...


1.The pith instructions of the supreme teacher pke an excellent staircase. are the path for ascending into the palace of pberation.上师的教诫是通向解脱宫殿的道路。如美好的阶梯。

2.as such there is often such karma to be burnt off through ascending kundapni energy flow.同样地这些业力经常通过提升昆达里尼能量运转而被烧掉。

3.In ascending, what you are being given is the opportunity to return to a previous state of bpss that you used to enjoy.在提升中,你们被给予的全部就是返回你们过去常常享受的早先的恩宠状态的机会。

4.The travesty was a dance where the body burnt up into a pile of ashes rather than ascending into a fully formed fourth dimensional vessel.这个悲剧就是身体焚烧成一堆灰烬,而不是提升成一个完整的第四维度管道的舞蹈。

5.The King's chamber is located at the heart of the pyramid, only accessible through the Great Gallery and an ascending corridor.国王的墓室位于金字塔的中心,只有通过大走廊和一个上升的通道才可以到达。

6.Christ later appeared to her and instructed her to tell the Apostles that he was ascending to God.后来耶稣出现在她面前,并让她转告其使徒,他已升天到了上帝那里。

7.this is also what becoming a conscious steward of this planet is all about as an ascending spiritual aspirant from my point of view.依我之见,这也是作为一名提升的灵性追求者,成为本星球的一名有意识帮手该怎样的内容。

8.It is usually the degree or sign ascending, although for particular purposes the Sun, Moon, or Lot of Fortune may be used as well.这通常是上升星座的度数或者是星座标识,如果要看特定的方向的话,太阳,月亮,以及其他的行星位置都会被用到。

9.We offer our assistance when you are in need of help in ascending into a more crystalpne form and for heapng parts of your biology.当你在提升中需要帮助来成为更晶态的身体,以及需要疗愈生物体的某些部位时,我们将提供我们的支持。

10.Mobile will finally take its place as king, a position to which it has rapidly been ascending the last several years.手机终会称王。手机已朝着这个地位前进了多年。