


美式发音: [əˈʃænti] 英式发音: [əˈʃænti]





n.1.somebody who comes from Ashanti in central Ghana2.a language spoken in central Ghana, often regarded as a form of Akan

un.1.former kingdom and present-day administrative area in central Ghana

1.亚香缇 娜塔莎托马斯< Natasha Thomas> 亚香缇< Ashanti> 香岱儿< Chantal Kreviazuk> ...

2.阿散蒂 苏 Sunyani 阿散蒂 Ashanti 西部 Western ...

3.阿善提波兰驱逐舰“皮奥朗(Piorun)”和英国驱逐舰“阿善堤人Ashanti)”从巴茨(Ile de Batz)岛方向驶入圣马洛湾,准备搜索德 …

8.阿珊蒂拉特(Ap Larter)、R&B乐坛“小天后”阿珊蒂(Ashanti)和克莉丝-埃甘(Chris Egan)等加盟该片,为这部电影续集注入了新的活力。


1.Ashanti began to sing in a gospel choir at the age of 6. As she grew, her musical talent developed and with it, appearances followed.亚香缇在6岁时就开始在一个福音唱诗班演唱,随着年龄的增长,她的音乐才能得以发展,而她上台演出的机会也随之而来。

2.His skull was rimmed in purest gold and used for years by the kings of the Ashanti as a ceremonial drinking vessel.他的头盖骨用纯金镶上了边,多年来都被阿善堤国王作为正式仪式的饮酒容器。

3.In 1824, the commander of the British expeditionary force, Sir Charles McCarthy, was killed in battle against the Ashanti.1824年,英国远征军指挥官查尔斯.麦卡锡(CharlesMcCarthy)爵士,在一场对抗非洲阿善堤地区的战役中被杀。

4.Ashanti Douglas was born in 1980 in Long Island, New York into a musical family.亚香缇·道格拉斯于1980年出生在美国纽约州长岛的一个音乐之家。

5.Ashanti Gold Mine in West Africa.阿散蒂金矿在西非。

6.In Ashanti tradition, for example, the chief cannot make any decision without the concurrence of the council of elders.例如,在阿善提人(非洲西部)的传统中,酋长不能做任何决定,除非是长老议会一致同意。

7.Ashanti - Rock With You与你摇摆

8.The Way That I Love Lyrics by Ashanti Now after all of this time that we tried在我们尝试过这么多次之后的现在