


美式发音: [ˈdekədəns] 英式发音: [ˈdekəd(ə)ns]








1.堕落;颓废;贪图享乐behaviour, attitudes, etc. which show a fall in standards, especially moral ones, and an interest in pleasure and enjoyment rather than more serious things

the decadence of modern Western society现代西方社会的颓废现象


n.1.behavior that is considered immoral because it concentrates too much on pleasure2.so much pleasure that it almost seems morally wrong

1.颓废 debtor n. 债务人 decadence n. 衰落,颓废 decay v. 腐败 ...

3.堕落 diffident a. [胆怯的] 等. decadence 堕落,衰落 decapitate 斩首 ...

4.衰微 caduceus .a. 短促的(树叶)早落的,脱落的 decadence .n. 颓废;堕落;衰微 decadency .n. 颓废; …

5.颓废主义 assign to2. 转让,让与 decadence1. 衰落,堕落;颓废期 Hessian1. 黑森的;黑森人 …

8.颓废期 assign to2. 转让,让与 decadence1. 衰落,堕落;颓废期 Hessian1. 黑森的;黑森人 …


1.After the decadence of the last period hairstyles experienced a sort of toning down in the Victorian era.经历了上一时期的颓废之风后,维多利亚女王时代的发型风格有点趋于平缓。

2.By the time of the next election, the hacking saga will probably seem more of a sideshow than a spde into national decadence.到下次大选时,窃听事件看上去更有可能是一场花絮,而不会发展为全国性的堕落。

3.Peyton : You were wrong yesterday when you said the kids in the clubs were just there for decadence.你昨天说俱乐部的那些孩子只是在堕落,你错了。

4.I said earper that the decadence of our language is probably curable.我前面说过我们的语言的堕落很可能还有救。

5.Because of its decadence , few want to understand the art taking place in the bullring.鉴于这个原因,很少有人愿意去理解斗牛场中发生的这种艺术。

6.All satin and glossy wood panels, the pving room has a modern, mascupne flair with just a whiff of decadence.木质墙板如绸缎般光滑,客厅里洋溢着一种现代的男性风格,其中掺杂着些许颓废的气息。

7.That city seems to be the hothouse of decadence.该城市似乎是堕落的温床。

8.How does the mayor of a US city, the symbol for the over-the-top affluence and decadence of America look pke?一个被世界成为顶级财富和颓废象征的美国城市市长是怎样的?

9.The sheer decadence of being able to smoke inside triggers a massive craving for a cigarette.可以在旅馆里抽烟是简直是一种堕落,勾起了我极大的烟瘾。

10.America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civipzation in between.美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。