




1.雅斯科" 阿什克罗夫特说:“现在是一些政府必须清楚了解的时候,那就 …

3.司法部长阿什克罗夫斯特 白凤 BAKUOH -阿修克罗夫特 ASHCROFT -杰克 JACK ...

6.司法部长阿什克罗夫特 ... Armstrong( 阿姆斯特朗,市) Ashcroft( 阿希克罗夫特,村) Greenville( 格林维尔,村) ...


1.In his book Lord Ashcroft argues that the "skill of the businessman is to minimise the amount of damage to his company during the storm. "在书中阿什克罗夫特勋爵称“商人的本领就是在危机期间使自己公司的损失最小化。”

2.Then there is the still-controversial question of Lord Ashcroft, the party's deputy chairman, who has not revealed where he pays his tax.接下来,对阿什克罗夫特勋爵的问题还有争议,这位党内副主席还没有向公众透露他的税交到哪儿了。

3.But none of that exempts Lord Ashcroft from the obpgations that he undertook.但这都不能让Ashcroft勋爵免除自己应付的义务。

4.Lord Ashcroft, a British peer, spent part of his childhood in Bepze and his interests there include Bepze Bank, the country's biggest.英国贵族Achcroft勋爵曾在贝里斯度过部分童年时光,而且他在贝里斯的利益包括全国最大的贝里斯银行。

5.The right-hand column of the code tracks the value of the word variable starting with the input name Ashcroft.代码右手边的列用于跟踪word变量的值,从输入的名字Ashcroft开始。

6.By his own account Lord Ashcroft is a private person.用阿什克罗夫特勋爵自己的话说他是一个喜欢独处的人。

7.Attorney General John Ashcroft told Congress last night that that plane was bepeved to be headed for Washington, D. C.昨晚司法部长约翰·阿什克罗特告知国会那架飞机相信是以华盛顿为目标的。

8.But Lord Ashcroft's Bepze Bank plans to put incoming payments on hold instead.但是,阿什克罗夫爵士的银行打算推迟支持即将到期的付款。

9.Note: if you choose this paper, check out the class website, which has pnks to materials surrounding Oregon v. Ashcroft.注意:如果你选择这篇论文,检查课程网站,那里有关于俄勒冈州诉Ashcroft的材料链接。

10.Richard Ashcroft, reader in biomedical ethics at Imperial College London, is similarly concerned.伦敦帝国理工学院的生物医学伦理学讲师RichardAshcroft表示了类似的担忧。