


美式发音: [ˈpɛnsiv] 英式发音: ['pensɪv]




Adj.+n.pensive mood




1.沉思的;忧伤的;忧戚的thinking deeply about sth, especially because you are sad or worried

a pensive mood沉重的心情

to look pensive神情忧伤


adj.1.seeming to be thinking carefully about something, especially something sad or serious

1.沉思的 hickory 山核桃 pensive 沉思的,忧郁的 quail 北美鹑 ...

2.忧愁的 peninsula n. 半岛 pensive adj. 忧愁的,哀思的 penury n. 贫穷 ...

3.哀思的 penitent a. 悔过的(受到惩罚后悔过) pensive a. 沉思的,哀伤的,哀思的 pending a. 悬而 …

4.凄凉的 ... o'er:prep. =over 3. vale: 山谷 4. often 13. pensive: 凄凉的,忧愁的 14. Notes:1. daffodil: 水仙花 2. ...

5.忧郁 pension 津贴,恩俸 pensive 哀思,沈思的 perpendicular 垂直的 ...


1.After a brief and pensive pause wiping her eyes and staring at the floor she said goodbye and left, closing the door behind her.短暂而又忧心忡忡的停顿过后,她拭干了眼泪,两眼盯着地板,嘴里说了句再见就离开了。门紧随其后被关上了。

2.things did not come to their height with him , and i observed he became pensive and melancholy.情况并没有发展到严重的程度,我却看他变得苦心焦思,愁闷万状。

3."She said: " You recently Always appears to be a pensive mood.她说:“你最近总是显得心事重重的。”

4.Edward, noticing she was pensive , a state which he detested, asked what were her thoughts.爱德华见她神气凄凉,精神处于一种为他所憎恶的状态,便问她想些什么.。

5.She struck a few chords , and then wandered into a pensive sonata of Beethoven's.她试了几个音,然后漫弹出一支贝多芬的沉思奏鸣曲。

6.As she stood in pensive silence, in the distance, repubpcan demonstrators released dozens of black balloons.当她站在墓前静思时,共和党人则远远地举行示威并放飞了数十个黑气球。

7.As I walked home in a pensive mood, my vanity got the better of my pity.我一边走在回家的路上,一边沉思着,我的虚荣心胜过了怜悯之心。

8.meant she was either pensive, unconsciously ambitious or hungry.这意味着她要么是在沉思,无意识的雄心壮志,或者是饿了。

9.He became so pensive that she didn't pke to break into his thought.他陷入沉思之中,她不想打断他的思路。

10.Please excuse me if I'm a pttle pensive today.如果我今天有点郁郁寡欢,请。