


美式发音: [ˈstʌnɪŋ] 英式发音: ['stʌnɪŋ]





adj.+n.stunning performance,stunning photo





1.极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的extremely attractive or impressive

You look absolutely stunning!你看上去漂亮极了!

a stunning view of the lake无比优美的湖光水色

2.令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的extremely surprising or shocking

He suffered a stunning defeat in the election.他在选举中惨败。



adj.1.very impressive or beautiful; extremely attractive2.surprising, powerful, and effective

v.1.The present participle of stun

1.极好的 tempter 诱惑者 stunning 极好的 fantastic (美好的)英国表示好 ...

2.足以使人晕倒的 ) jungle n. 丛林 ) stunning a. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的 ) getaway n. 逃亡,逃走 ...

3.令人震惊的 whinge: 嘀咕;抱怨不止 stunning: 令人震惊的 effectively: 实际上 ...

4.极富魅力的 overweening 自负的,过于自信的 stunning 极富魅力的 seasoning 调味品、佐料 ...

5.极漂亮的 ) tang 柄脚,柄舌 ) stunning 极漂亮的 ) superfluous 多余的;奢侈的 ...

6.令人惊叹的 stumble 绊倒 stunning 令人惊叹的,极好的 stun 使晕倒,打晕;使震惊 ...

7.惊人的 sensational 轰动的 stunning 惊人的 exquisite 精致的 ...


1.Creating a single stunning painting, or a single haunting piece of music, is far more "productive" than trying to make ten mediocre ones.创作出一幅惊人的画作或是一曲动人的音乐,要比制作是个平庸的作品有卓有成效的多。

2.Named man-of-the-match for his stunning performance, Torres said he had never scored a faster hat-rick in his professional career.托雷斯已经被评选为本厂最佳,他说他从来没有在职业生涯中如此之快取得帽子戏法。

3.He made his third stunning save of the match when he kept out a Crouch effort with his elbow in the second half.他下半场又用肘部挡住了克劳奇的近距离射门,这也是他的第3次世界级扑救。

4.This resort is located at the heart of a pvely beachfront area where the stunning Thai style villas look out over a spectacular sea view.这个度假村位于一个生机勃勃的海滨区的中心,拥有迷人的泰式别墅,享有壮丽的海景。

5.you won't have to wonder whether the flowers you ordered for your mother by telephone were really as stunning as you'd hoped.你将不必怀疑你通过电话为母亲预定的鲜花是不是真如你所希望的那样漂亮。

6.And yet individual countries are making progress, steady progress, sometimes stunning progress, against the odds.但仍有一些国家克服重重障碍,正稳步推进,有的甚至取得了惊人进展。

7.SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery.这样,她的每个手指上都戴上了璀璨夺目的戒指。为了取悦她,我也试着戴上她那些廉价的首饰。

8."People seem to be capable of mimicking others' facial, vocal, and postural expressions with stunning rapidity" , Hatfield said.哈特菲尔德说:“人们似乎会以惊人的速度模仿他人的面部表情、声音和姿势。”

9.From a stunning Palestinian lunch to Sabbath dinner was the kind of cross-cultural pleasure that I wish more people could enjoy.从给人印象深刻的巴勒斯坦午餐到安息日晚餐,有着某种跨文化的乐趣,我希望更多的人能够感受到它。

10.Someone you know may give you a tip that leads you to a stunning opportunity.这个人会给你一些建议,让你得到一个极好的机会。