


美式发音: [rɪˈpriz] 英式发音: [rɪˈpriːz]




复数:reprises  现在分词:reprising  过去式:reprised  同义词





1.重复部分;(尤指乐曲的)反复a repeated part of sth, especially a piece of music



n.1.an act of repeating something2.a part of a song or other piece of music that is repeated

v.1.to do something again; to perform a part or the whole of a work again

1.重奏o, 31. august)》,和他的上一部作品《重奏Reprise)》在风格上有不少一脉相承的地方,仿佛都是他个人人生体验和心 …

2.重复 ... 08 爱是我唯一所求 ALL I ASK OF YOU 09 重复 REPRISE 10 开场 ENTR'ACTE ...

3.年金 reprint 再版 reprise 年金 repristination 恢复原状 ...

4.巴黎塔尖 ... monarch 君主 reprise 重唱;重演 reign 统治;驾驭 ...

7.天国的微笑bepeve(instrumental)薛凯琪3天国的微笑(reprise)薛凯琪4甜蜜蜜薛凯琪5mychoicex薛凯琪6天国的笑笑薛凯琪7一个人一支灯 …

8.让每个人都心碎09.让每个人都心碎 (Reprise) 词/曲:黄大炜 10.我期待 - 信/戴爱玲 词/曲:张雨生 11.棋王 - 信/Keith Stuart 12.你的背包|评论20…


1.The Libyan intervention feels pke a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age.干预利比亚行动给人的感觉更像是这首老歌的最后一次回放,而非开创一个新时代的大胆宣言。

2.But a greater threat is a reprise of the spring and summer of that year, when commodity prices soared.但是更大的威胁是当年春季和夏季大宗商品价格暴涨的情况再次出现。

3.Apparently Aniston, once bepeved to be "too famous" to reprise her role as Rachel, is leading the charge in getting the movie made.特别要说的是安妮斯顿,之前人们认为她“名气太响了”所以不大可能重演瑞秋这个角色,但实际上正是她发起电影版的制作。

4.Richards may be hoping to reprise the strategy used effectively against Slobodan Milosevic during the 1999 Kosovo air campaign.理查兹可能希望重演北约1999年科索沃战争中对斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇执行空中打击的策略。

5.Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, now superstars in the teen-hero firmament, reprise their roles as Bella and Edward.克里斯汀·斯图尔特与罗伯特·帕丁森是如今年轻人心中新的超级明星,他们再一次以贝拉和爱德华的角色回来了。

6.Although a name for the movie has not yet been decided, it is definite that Daniel Craig will reprise his role as the charming spy.虽然片名尚未定案,但可以确定的是丹尼尔克雷格将再次饰演这位迷人的间谍。

7.A ferocious blast (ff) starts off the reprise.重奏在一记爆破般的响声中开始。

8.Instead, protect and nurture ongoing projects and relationships, and reprise those from the past.相对地,保护并且顺其自然让进行中的计画以及感情关系会从过去重新奏起。

9.Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale will reprise their roles in the upcoming feature film of High School Musical 3, according to Us Weekly.据美国周刊报道,瓦妮萨。希金斯和阿什利。提示达拉将在即将到来的故事片歌舞青春3中出演自己的角色。

10.The 2008 hosts gave us a shortened reprise of the opening.2008奥运会的主办者给了我们一个开幕式的简短重演。