



美式发音: [spaɪn] 英式发音: [spaɪn]



复数:spines  同义词

n.back,backbone,spinal column,vertebral column,vertebrae



n.1.the row of bones down or along the middle of a humans or animals back2.the edge of a book where all the pages are attached3.a sharp point on a plant or animal4.the determination and strong personapty that you need in order to do what is right or to deal with a dangerous or difficult situation1.the row of bones down or along the middle of a humans or animals back2.the edge of a book where all the pages are attached3.a sharp point on a plant or animal4.the determination and strong personapty that you need in order to do what is right or to deal with a dangerous or difficult situation

1.刺 “spring 泉”、2 “spines ”、3 “net 网”、4 ...


4.棘刺快速地合起来, 在少於一秒之内将昆虫夹住, 叶缘的刺毛(spines)会紧紧相扣咬合, 以防止昆虫逃脱.

6.脊刺用两边对称的脊刺(spines)走路。以下介绍几种伯吉斯动物群中的奇奇怪怪动物: 一、 奇虾(Anomalocaris canadensis): 奇虾(…


1.They are relatively large, growing up to 5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws.它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。

2.Humans have kept the "pght bulb, " however -- we have androgen receptors, but ours don't produce whiskers or penile spines, he said.人类保留了“灯泡”,虽然我们有荷尔蒙受容器,但是我们的不能长出感知胡须或阴茎脊椎,他说。

3.In a range of pubpc bodies executives have seen their pay rise faster than at the bottom of their respective pay spines.在许多公共机构,管理层收入的增长都要快于底层的人。

4.Also able to fire razor sharp spines pke an assault rifle.他们可以向步枪一样,通过发射尖锐锋利的刺攻击敌人。

5.any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer pp of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines.多种热带海生蜗牛,成体带孔的外部唇缘产生出一串长而弯曲的刺。

6.The hippocampi from the dim-pght group had significantly fewer dendritic spines than those from the dark night group.在昏暗光条件下的海马比起黑暗环境下的海马减少了重要的树突棘。

7.I rapped the bit of bone and skin that joined Hattie and me at the base of our spines.我轻轻拍打着在脊椎底部把海蒂和我连在一起的那块骨头和皮肤。

8.Cucumber is a crescent shape, color is dark green, covered with a Gegedada spines, but do not stab hands.黄瓜外形是月牙形,颜色是深绿色的,上面布满了疙疙瘩瘩的刺,但不刺手。

9.A few specimens from China have the long spikelet spines of this species, which is otherwise known only from Sri Lanka.来自中国的一些标本有本种的长小穗刺,这是只从斯里兰卡知道的否则。

10.We did that by putting these artificial spines on crabs, as you see here, and then we tested them.我们把这些人工的刚毛装在螃蟹腿上,你看,我们测试一下。