




1.7天 Depvery time 交期 5---7 days 5---7 Material 材 质 ...

2.七夜一样平淡无奇。 ... [ 2010年最新犯罪惊悚片《七日复仇》(7 Days)DVD中英双字版(115网盘) - 第1页 - 影视风暴 ... - www.91tin…

4.七天内2、自收到体验产品当日开始计算,必须在七天内7 DAYs)将产品寄回数字尾巴编辑部,并在体验期间十天内(10 DAYs)在 …

5.新华路附近有个七天新华路附近有个七天7DAYS)就在同济医学院正对门 比较安全!评论| hywei08 |五级采纳率22% 擅长:暂未定制 其他3条回 …

6.七天丧期您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 剧情 >> 《七天丧期》(7 Days )[DVDRip] 《七天丧期》(7 Days )[DVDRip] 下面是用户共享的文件 …

7.七小店「七小店」(7 Days)确实七天营业,不过可惜不是7-11,廿四小时连锁的那种。冬夏之异


1.Thanks the weather, in the 7days, everyday was sunny, except for a while thunder shower in the Antler park.我们这次七天旅游,天公作美,天天晴朗,只在鹿角公园下过一会儿雷阵雨。

2.He spent 7days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.他在风雪中度过了7天,又冷又饿。

3.Please note that goods suppped on approval must be returned, carriage paid, within 7days if not required.请注意,试销货物,如不需要必须在七天内退回,运费先付。

4.With depressed form (EPDS) investigate postpartum from depression to postpartum 7days person who comment postpartum.产后用艾迪产后抑郁量表(EPDS)调查产后抑郁症至产后7天。

5.Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact all comments become null and void after 7days.第一条:我们半年前说过的话不能被用在现在的争论中。事实上,所有说过的话七天后就失效了。

6.Dogs happened vomiting and defecating red excrement in Mian ning this year, especially stinking smell. The ill dogs deaded in1~7days.冕宁县今年出现犬呕吐、排黄色生蕃茄红色粪便,特别腥臭,病犬多在1~7日内死亡。

7.7 Days, a budget hotel chain, has outperformed by 70 percentage points since psting on Nasdaq in November 2009.经济型连锁酒店集团7天(7Days)自2009年11月在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市以来,股价表现也要高出其它中国企业70%。

8.Weinaian capsule can protect drunk with mutiple administration ( 7days ), can increase tolerance time and decrease sleep time.胃乃安胶囊能明显延长耐受时间、缩短睡眠时间,具有预防醉酒作用。

9.To make this cheque legal, you should antedate it by 7days.为了使你的支票有效,你必须把日期提前7天。

10.We have booked a room in 7Days Hotel for you, it's about half an hour to drive from here我们给您在7天酒店订了房间,从这过去车程约半小时