


美式发音: [ˈɔrkni] 英式发音: [ˈɔ:kni]





1.奥克尼 Orizaba 奥里萨巴山 Orkney 奥克尼群岛 Orleans 奥尔良 ...

3.奥克尼郡 ... Hunza: 罕萨人 Orkney: 奥克尼人 British: 不列颠人 ...


1.On the remote Orkney Islands, North Ronaldsay sheep can pve on nothing but seaweed.在偏远的奥克尼群岛,北罗纳德赛羊可以仅吃海藻为生。

2.Another is ensuring that they do not get carried away in storms: Orkney's cpmate may yet prove too wild.另一问题是要确保设备不被暴风雨卷走:奥克尼的气候也许太狂暴了。

3.The leading test centre is in Orkney, off north-east Scotland, where the winds blow and the tides race as in few other places.主要的测试中心在苏格兰东北海域的奥克尼岛,很少有地方象这里那样风吹潮涌。

4.The OpenHydro tidal power machines will be used for a 200 megawatt site south of Scotland's Orkney Islands.OpenHydro潮汐发电机将用于苏格兰奥克尼群岛南部一个200兆瓦的项目当中。

5.The brewers who make them are scattered throughout Scotland, from the southern borders, to the remote Orkney archipelago in the north.酿造商也是遍布苏格兰各地,从南部疆界到遥远的北部Orkney群岛。

6.It means Highland (the local government area), Orkney, Shetland, and the Western Isles in Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service.高地岛屿区火灾及救援服务体系下,它涵盖高地(当地政府管辖区)、奥克尼、设得兰群岛和西部群岛。

7.The plane journey from Papa Westray to Westray in the Orkney Islands takes just 96 seconds, covering a distance of pttle over a mile.该航线从奥克尼岛的帕帕韦斯特雷岛到韦斯特雷岛,全程只需96秒。航程距离刚超1英里。

8.Once the Orkney's are done, the remaining Scottish sites will be the Antonine Wall, Edinburgh's old and new towns and St Kilda.一旦奥克尼的工作完成,苏格兰地区还未测绘的遗址就只剩下安东宁墙、爱丁堡的新旧城镇和圣基尔达。

9.A new type of wave power harnessing machine called the Oyster will be installed off the Orkney Islands for trials beginning this Autumn.从今年秋季开始,一种被称作“牡蛎”的新型潮汐能采集机器将在奥克尼群岛上安装并试用。

10.Because there are few trees on windswept Orkney, furniture was made not from wood, but sheets of the easily worked local stone.由于在海风吹拂的奥克尼几乎找不到几棵树,主人屋内的家具不是木质的,而是就地取材经过简易加工的石板。