


美式发音: [ɑˈsɑd] 英式发音: [ɑ:ˈsɑ:d]

un.阿萨德(Hafiz al,1930-,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国总统,1971年就任)



un.1.阿萨德(Hafiz al,1930-,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国总统,1971年就任)

1.阿萨德有政府军从外包围。当地幼童玩着叙利亚自由军(Free Syrian Army)与总统阿塞德Assad)政权对决的游戏,用秋葵充当 …

5.叙利亚阿萨德叙利亚反对派的主要资助国。俄罗斯和中国成功阻止了联合国安理会(U.N. Security Council)通过对叙利亚阿萨德(Assad)政府 …

6.叙利亚总统阿萨德内战,强人格达费(Moammar Gadhafi)命丧黄泉。叙利亚对抗阿塞德Assad)政权的流血起义也应运而生,大规模抗争和 …

8.总统阿瑟目标将是叙利亚。独裁总统阿瑟Assad)近月血腥镇压示威者,使美国要求他下台及冻结叙利亚在美所有资产,联合国更指 …


1.Meanwhile, the opposition, which dismissed Mr Assad's speech out of hand, is trying to draw the silent majority into its movement.与此同时,对阿萨德演讲立马显示冷漠的态度反对派努力拉拢大部分沉默派加入他们的运动中。

2.For the last decade, Assad has been seen as a promising young leader capable of reform and changing the course of his country.在过去的十年间,阿萨德一直被视为有能力改变这个国家历史轨迹的有希望的年轻领袖。

3.In the beginning, al-Assad was viewed by some as a fresh, youthful leader who might usher in a more progressive, more moderate regime.在开始的时候,阿萨德被某些人视为一个生气蓬勃的、年轻有为的领导者,认为他可能会开创一个更进步、更温和的政治局面。

4.How much does Mr Assad want economic reform?阿萨德总统有多需要场经济改革呢?

5."If we want to be honest, we're waiting for a truce, we want to negotiate for him to leave, " he added, referring to President Assad.在提到阿萨德总统时,他补充说,“坦白说的话,我们正在等待休战,希望通过谈判让他下台。”

6.BASHAR ASSAD, Syria's president, has made it a bit harder for men to kill their daughters and sisters for the sake of "honour" .叙利亚总统阿萨德已采取措施遏制男人们以荣誉为借口杀害他们的女儿和姐妹。

7.President Assad did not mention a timetable, and he did not clarify on which side of the border the troops would remain after the pullback.阿萨德并没有提出时间表,也没有说明部队将撤离到边界的哪一边。

8.Pictures of the president, Bashar Assad, have been torn down and a ppnth where a statue of his father, Hafez, once towers stands empty.总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(BasharAssad)的画像已经被撕掉而曾经耸立着其父哈菲兹(Hafez)塑像之处,现在只剩空空如也的基座。

9.But such a focus on firepower would play into Mr Assad's hands: the grounds on which he would most pke to fight are miptary.不过专注于军事问题正中阿萨德下怀:他最希望的就是反对派与他进行军事对抗。

10.Iraq has long suffered from the infiltration of jihadists from Syria, who might be emboldened if the Assad regime were to fall.还有,来自叙利亚的圣战分子则让伊拉克长期深受其苦,阿萨德政权垮台或许会让那些圣战分子欣喜若狂。